First Day Of School

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Okay, so the first day of school is literally the most boring day ever. No doubt about that.

But... I guess I could say that there are some good things. (After leaving out the boring introductions, procedures, the no-friends-in-class issue and signing papers)

I think I have found my next favorite teacher. I honestly never thought I would like a reading/writing class. It's just not my "cup of tea". Usually it would be math class with Ms. Jones. But with this teacher, Mrs. Starr, I think I'll like it. She's already made a pretty good impression on me, unlike some boring classes.

SHE GAVE US CANDY! And she also has freaking COUCHES in the classroom! THREE love seats, ONE big giant long one (idk what's it's called..) ONE three seat couch (I think) and a ONE single sofa for the teacher. That's SIX IN TOTAL!!! Can you believe that?! And there are at least 15 normal desks for students...

My U.S History teacher, Ms. Courtney, let's us eat in class. IN CLASS! How awesome is that? Now I don't have to sneak food around.

Algebra starts my day off pretty boring. There wasn't really much to it. I mean seriously, all that was said were procedures and rules. Then at the last minute, homework was passed out. No explanation at all, just a "Find how many parakeets there are," That it.

Oh, and I forgot something importantly horrifying. I have every class with the annoying Richard who keeps saying, "Technically..."

There was a goal made in the summer by me, myself. Since I have broken up with Tryston, I wanted to go back to being friends like before. BUT as of right now, it seems entirely IMPOSSIBLE!

I couldn't even look him in the eye at the beginning of the day. But in fifth period, and that's the ONLY period I have with him... I said one sentence and one sentence only. "You turn it over there,"

Like that's it! I couldn't really say anything else... Oh, and there's three new students in Horizons. Hasan (a guy that Collin, Bryant, and Tryston sometimes jokingly(?) goes gay(?) for...), Hema (a girl in orchestra with me), and Terry (a guy from science class last year).

Now back to first period, Jeffrey... Sigh, although he's in my class, I couldn't even say a sentence to him. Like nothing!

So here's the schedule:
1) Algebra
2) Science
3) Orchestra
4) Reading/LA
5) U.S. History
6) Gym
7) Spanish

I don't like it... I have no friends. Literally. Richard is in my class but he's more of the slave kind than a friend. I have my "cousin", Joseph, in gym but he's annoying and also a slave kind of person. Jeff is in algebra but I doubt I can even talk to him. Tryston is in history but I also doubt I'll talk to him much, especially when he's now with Hasan.

I almost forgot, at the brahmas express...

We were invited to come and get our pre-schedule and supplies and everything last weekend. I remember asking Jeffrey, Collin, jenloveu123, and vy_infinite_hoya about it but I'm not too sure...

Anyways, I didn't see anyone. LIKE NONE... Until like the very end. I did see Vy and that's about it.... Maybe occasionally Jeff too. And lane for a few seconds... Emily and Natalie... And I few other people. But I didn't talk to them.... Not much to them, that is.

And Jennifer (jenloveu123).... Sigh, I wanted to at least hang out with her a bit more than I did on that day. Seriously, she came so late that I only had about five to ten minutes with her. And that was all spent on waiting in line for her schedule.

I said hey to Jeffrey but I guess he didn't see me. Either that, or he was just plain rude and ignored me. The second time we passed each other, he said hey but I refused to answer him. Same thing happened when we cross each other's path the third time.

I saw Haysia (oh my god, she's still onto the ONEE-CHAN thing..) at the end when I was calling to dad to pick me up.... Sigh, what a day that was.

Ps. Throughout summer I was really hoping to get Jeffrey on my bus but the world has not granted me the damn wish. So disappointed that he rides another bus. But on the other hand, I guess I could stick with Vy. Who knew I would be riding the same bus as her?

Pss. THE BUS WAS FREAKING LATE TODAY! LIKE 20 MINUTES LATE!!.... THE WORST THING EVER! And also, usually I would be the first one to get on the bus but this time, IM THE LAST. AND IM ALSO THE FIRST TO GET OFF! UGH!!

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