Ignored... Annoyed?

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Am I in the wrong here? I seem to be getting hit by Tryston a lot more than usual. My arms hurts, like seriously hurt. He yells at me too. He’s only older than me for 53 days! I dint do anything to him. So mean! TT_TT Even if it was a playful punch or shout, it hurts. Playful or not, his punches are still hard as heck. I was sad too. Again, I don’t know the reason… 

After first period, we would walk together to the math hallway but today I wanted to test something. I walked really slowly on purpose. I kept my distance of 2-4 feet from him and see if he would wait… nothing. (Told you Jennifer, he doesn’t like me) when I did catch up to him, first thing he said to me was that I was slow at walking. I was jokingly shocked and confesses. I said “I was testing to see if you would wait! And you didn’t…” He replied with the laugh that he always does and shrugs… ugh, I don’t know why but he just pisses me off today.  

In third period, I started writing in his notebook... not for him to see though. Usually I write in his notebook about kpop. I filled two whole pages with BTS and GOT7 stuff and he was perfectly fine with it. But this time I started writing words… like questions. I repeat, it wasn’t for him to read. I just needed somewhere to write down my questions and his notebook was the only thing that was near and I wanted to use it. I specifically said for him not to read it. Like emphasizes on the ‘NOT TO READ’ part. He just smiles and took to notebook and tries to find the page. I tried to stop him, I really did, but I couldn’t. He found to page with ease not really helping with the fact that it was a page right behind the kpop stuff. He opens it wide open and read it… in his head.

“Do you hate me?”


“Feeling ignored”

“Too much?”


“😩 😣”

“Don’t like me?”

“Too much questions?”

When he was done reading those, he looked at me. His expression was saying “what is this?” I said its nothing and shrugged, just like he did that morning. We had to take notes the very next second and I was relieved that we did. I didn’t have to worry about what I wrote. After done taking note, we had 20 minutes of free time to do anything. He took that chance and asked if I was okay. Yeah I was fine. Nothing’s wrong. I’m positive. I asked him if I could rip out the paper but then he said that it was on the back of the sheet with my Kpop stuff on it. I just realizes that too. I then said that I could just erase it, but he said not to and to not worry about it. Like hell yeah I could not worry, I have my thoughts in your notebook... doesn’t the ring anything in that empty mind of yours?

I somehow got pissed again and started walking faster out the door. The boys, Tryston and Richard, caught up and started talking so I just slowed down and went behind them. When the hallways were empty and wide enough, I walked next to Richard. I didn’t want to listen to them talk. But then Tryston said “I think Sandy’s mad at me” to Richard. No Dure, Sherlock. Richard said that it was obvious that I was mad, but I said I wasn’t. I don’t want to cause anything bad. They started acting like kids again… like yesterday. They acted like 7 year old kids who are fighting like brothers. Yesterday I had to pretend I was the mother of those two idiots. “He started it first!” on boy would say and the other would argue back. I replied with a “why do I have to be the mother of y’all?” and it was fun and enjoyable but today just wasn’t the day to do that.

He started his habit of pushing me and poking me hard. It hurts, really bad. My shoulders felt like something stabbed it and paralyzing it until it felt numb. I gave him the “Seriously?” face and walked to my class without saying another words except for “Dang, he pisses me off to much”

After fourth period we walked together… I don’t remember anything to tell. Seventh period today was fine as well. We had a test and that’s it. Logging everyone in the Jason Learnings was my job and I was basically done with school work. Tryston made a fortune teller and sang a totally annoying made up song from his head to get neutral fortunes like “Why are you listening to a fortuneteller?” or “Your fortunes are a big mistake” I got tired of his singing and suggested a fortune… “Your fortunes are all a lie” and he shut up. Yay!

Dismissed from seventh period and we walked together down the hallways. Jennifer told me to wait for her but then she just walked past by me without saying anything (-__-) I grabbed Tryston’s backpack and was about to close it before I realized that the zipper was broken… stupid… when we were about to part ways where I go to sectional (turning to the right) and he goes to the bus (going straight), I thought of something. I was going to test something again. I grabbed him by the arm and said, “Just a little more, walk me to the rotunda… your bus is closer that way anyways” I guess he was shocked and looked at me with the “What are you doing” look again. He was going protest but I held on to his arm and sort of pleaded. “Please? Just for me? This one time only. I promise.” He looked at me one last time before agreeing. Hehe finally I was feeling happy. I got it my way… yes I’m a spoiled brat. I get it, but I don’t care.

Me: Wow... You actually did what I asked you to.

Tryston: That’s because you were pulling me! [Sounding a bit shocked]

Me: Whatever! Hehe… well bye-bye

I walked to sectional and then got ready…. And receives a text from Tryston…

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