Feeling Horrible

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Ok, so today is just shitty... I mean, not the whole day but like half of the day was shitty. First period was fine. Easy work and all that. And gosh yes! I'm free from the constant teasing of the ship name! (>v<)

Second period was seriously a pain in the brain. Too much math. And then we were assigned this booklet for two weeks to do until the math STAAR comes... I think it's pretty useless.

Third period was where it all started, again (-_-;) We took notes like usual but I felt really sick at the time. Did I tell you that we switched seats? I'm not sitting next to the idiotic Tryston anymore now I'm sitting next to another idiot, a bigger one that keeps running his mouth a mile a minute. Anyways, my stomach started hurting and I wanted to go to sleep but I couldn't. So I put my head down and closed my eyes. But I opened them seconds later since the teacher came up to my desk and started teaching from there. I thought I was in trouble or something.

Fourth period was worse. My stomach started hurting even more and it started to growl too. I swear it's not because I was hungry. (I ate lunch and it still hurts okay?) Tears started forming but I kept it in... Spanish required a lot of talking today and that just made it worse. Richard and Alex (8th grade) was annoying as they talk about useless stuff.

Fifth period was messed up as well. We were doing sight-reading stuff and we sucked. The teacher stopped us twice and we failed miserably. But then she gave us this speech of proud and stuff, I think I teared up during that part. Richard had tears in his eyes as well. Then lunch came and we ate. My stomach hurt but I still ate. Afterwards, we had P.E which is six period.

Sixth period was okay. The only problem was that a group of girls... Vy, Jennifer, Tran, Isis and I... were talking about inappropriate stuff... hehe sorry. Although, it was pretty funny.

Seventh period was when I took the stupid test. Ugh, the most hated thing of all times. My stomach ache came back and it was bad but it was better than third period. I'm just going to fast forward to dismissal time, okay? Anyways, as you probably know by now, Tryston hugs me every day before leaving, right? Right... today I wasn't feeling well and he decided to joke around which made me annoyed as heck. I asked one question... ONE!... and he started saying things sarcastically. "Geez, why do you have to ask SO MANY questions? HUH?" I protested saying that I don't and we started arguing again. He said that he had to go to Band before he went to Student Counsel and I said "So what?" I mean, I didn't really care where he goes. He's going to go somewhere either way so it didn't really matter to me. Well, we parted ways like usual but this time we didn't hug. I'll blame this one on me because it was kinda my fault. He did try to hug me but I dodged it. I just did. I guess when he tried to hug me goodbye I pushed him away. But can you blame me? Like I didn't mean to but I did.... Ughhhhh I just felt like I wanted to be alone but I also wanted the hug.... Is that even understandable? Ughhhhh..... Whatever! I went home while he went to where ever he went. I waited until he got home after Band and Student Co. then I apologized. Seriously though, I mean I'm glad that he said it was fine and there wasn't really anything to apologize about but then again, can't he at least get a bit mad? He never does and it's kinda annoying while it makes me feel guilty even more! What if he gets the wrong idea? I mean, he's like my first REAL boyfriend...

(O.O)!! What the heck did I just type? Oh my god... I need to go hit myself in the head to get back into reality....

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