Chapter 24

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Everyone was running around getting ready for a show. After everything was set up one of the performers were injured. Sebastian ended up having to perform while Ciel was sneaking around the main performers tents. After the show Alice quickly went to Ciel's tent.

"you released the venomous snakes even though you knew i was still over there?" Ciel asks annoyed

"Yes" Sebastian smiles "it's because earlier you gave an order to release the snakes as the first tier members returned. What's the matter?"

"It's in bad taste to play games that make me feel like throwing up.." Ciel coughs "demon"

"It's an honor" Sebastian smiles

"Ciel are you alright?" Alice asks worriedly

"I'm fine" Ciel coughs "Enough of that. I found a piece of paper that has my name on it in Joker's tent" he coughs again "from what i saw they have my rank, my missions, my address, and just a simple personal history"

"That's still something to be concerned about" Alice sighs "if they have your information then that means you're a target"

All of a sudden Ciel coughs a lot before throwing up.

"Young master?!" Sebastian shouts worriedly

Ciel falls to his knees and throws up more as he coughs.

"Ciel!" Alice shouts "Sebastian hurry and bring him to the doctor! Follow me!"


"It's asthma" the doctor tells them

Ciel was laying in bed unconscious, Freckles and Sebastian stood near the doctor. As they talked, Alice took the cloth off Ciel's head and dunked it in water before wringing it out an placing it back on his head.

Ciel opens his eyes, breathing heavily still.

"He's awake" Alice speaks

The other three look over.

"Water" Ciel says

Sebastian brought over some and helped Ciel drink.

"Smile, You have had bad asthma since you were very young right?" the doctor questions "there are cases where people have died from it. You should be careful even if you think you have fully recovered. Rest until the fever and coughing has stopped" he turns to the others "you guys should get going then"

Alice looks at the doctor "but-"

"He needs his rest Harlequin, besides there are other duties you have to take care of" the doctor tells her "as a main cast member i know you care for all of the people here but taking care of the sick and injured are my job, so do not worry and take care of your work"

'I'm not supposed to know Ciel.. I have no excuse to stay with him'

"..yes" Alice smiles "I leave our new member in your care doctor, let's be going Freckles, Black"

Alice leaves the tent with the two following after her. Freckles went off into the kitchen leaving Alice alone walking with Sebastian.

"Sebastian" Alice spoke

"Yes Lady Trancy" Sebastian turns to her

"Right now isn't the best time for us to have a talk.. but" Alice looks at him "after this is all over, I want to know what happened to my mother, the truth"

Sebastian sighs "your mother was an angel who fell in love with a demon, she lost her life for that"

"that demon was you wasn't it" Alice stares at him "that's why you've been watching out for me since we've met"

"I was simply doing her a favor" Sebastian says a bit sad "nothing more"

"hm" Alice turns and walks away

"It's a shame she's not my child" Sebastian sighs "but honestly, who's heard of a demon with a child, how foolish" (*cough* next book *cough*)


The next day Alice sat with the main cast eating breakfast, minus Joker.

"Where did Joker go?" Alice asks

"He- He just went to go run an errand" Beast half lies "just eat your breakfast, don't worry"

"Alright.." Alice looks at Freckles/Doll who shrugs in response

After breakfast Alice walks around helping other members with chores and training. She notices Sebastian and Ciel weren't around, this went on all day. Finally she checked their tents to see that their was nobody there, nobody and nothing.

'they've left haven't they'

Alice walks into her tent, she could hear the main performers were having a discussion in another tent. When it was over she went over to Freckles.

"hey have you seen Smile or Black?" Alice asks

"they've disappeared" Freckles replies sadly

"disappeared.." Alice looks confused

'they really did leave'

"Possibly, I don't know" Freckles looks sad "but I'm worried, nobody will go look for them"

"That's quite strange" Alice says "I suppose their's nothing we can do about it.. goodnight"

Alice walks back into her tent and grabs her bag 'if they're gone I should go too' Alice looks down to see Emily, Snake's snake, crawling on her leg.

"Emily I have to go" Alice whispers as she pets the snake "be good"

Alice looks around outside before running out, she gets behind the corner and someone grabs her.


The person covers her mouth "Quiet, Alice Trancy"

'Shit, Joker'

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