Chapter 12

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The three arrive at a building.

"Young master we have arrives" Sebastian says

"This is the place right?" Ciel questions as Sebastian opens a door leading to a staircase going down

"yep" Sebastian replies

"It's so creepy" Alice comments

"not as creepy as the rat in it" Ciel sighs

"Do you know the man we're looking for?" Alice asks

"Sadly" Ciel replies

The three head down the stairs with Sebastian leading "please watch your steps my lord and lady"

"Careful" Ciel says taking Alice's hand "you might slip"

"who would've known that you'd take the lead this time" Alice smirks "I'm alright with that"

"please don't start" Ciel lets go of her hand

"aw you're so mean" Alice whines

Sebastian opens the door at the end and they walk in. Alice covers her nose as does Ciel.

"What an awful smell" Ciel complains

"So you finally found this place Earl.. It feels kinda weird for you to see me this way. However I always knew the day would come"

They see Lau surrounded by women while smoking, a vulgar sight.

"And what kind of day is this?" Ciel questions irritated

"Welcom Earl" Lau greets without a care in the world "Long time no see, how have you been? Wasn't it your birthday recently? Congrats~"

"Your birthday?" Alice looks at Ciel "why didn't you invite me to your manor, I would've spent the day with you"

"I don't care about my birthday" Ciel replies annoyed before looking at Lau "I have something to ask you"

"Ah. The young Earl and Lady Trancy has come all the way to Anagura to ask me about 'that' incident... am I right?" Lau questions "The news has spread to you already? You sure are fast. I have been investigating 'that' incident. If it's about Orientals, the fastest way to find anything out is to ask you who has a strong influence around here?"

"The shanghai mafia qingbang executive" Alice replies "Lau"

"Meh, I don't like it when you address me that way. It's too formal" Lau says

Ciel sighs "I'll leave East end in your care. Now the number of people who move in and out of this street are in your control right?"

"Of course, I have done as you asked. It's the bride that allows me to do business in the underworld of this country" Lau replies

Ciel nods "So"

"Well firstly I also want to ask you two one thing" Lau says

"And that is?" Ciel questions

"What exactly is 'that' incident?" Lau asks

"you..." Ciel stares at him in disbelief

"You idiot!" Alice throws her heel at him "let me at him!" she lunges forward and Ciel grabs her

"Calm down" Ciel says irritated "though I understand your anger"

After Alice calms down the two explain the case to him and Lau takes them outside. They begin walking.

"I see..." Lau thinks "So you want to arrest that mischievous kid. Since there are no casualties it must be because he's targeting upper class citizens or soldiers. Setting an example the common people? It must be tiring for you two"

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