Chapter 23

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Alice turns to see Doll

"Hey Doll" Alice greets "what's up?"

"The main cast is assembling in the main tent" Doll tells her "we got some new recruits"

"ah I got it" Alice smiles

The two head back to the main tent together. Alice stares at the two in front of her in disbelief.

"Everyoooone~ from today on, we have some new friends. New-comers Black and.. smile" Joker introduces happily "Let's get along well everyone"

 smile" Joker introduces happily "Let's get along well everyone"

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The main proformers clap and greet the two. Alice just stares at Ciel and Sebastian in disbelief, she couldn't believe they got into the circus. Sebastian is pretty self explanatory, but how on earth did Ciel get in? 

"Hey Harlequin" Joker turns to her

"huh" Alice snaps out of her trance and looks at him "what?"

"Would you help me show them around?" Joker asks with a smile

"yeah of course" Alice agrees, she walks over and smiles to Ciel and Sebastian "Welcome to the circus Black and Smile"

"thank you, we'll be in your care" Ciel replies

"Please lead the way" Sebastian says

They walked through the tent and went to the backstage area.

Joker walked to a line of tents "These are the tents where you guys'll sleep in. It's where the backstage workers and new-comers, the second tier members, live"

"And about two or three people share" Alice adds

They walk out of the tent and go to a larger one 

"that's the mess hall and the store room" Alice points to it

"S'an important job of the new recruits to provide the grab, so good luck!" Joker says

They show them a bigger tent in the center.

"The most central one's the main cast's private tent" Alice tells them

"Private?" Ciel questions

"S'a private room you get if you're real good" Joker replies "ah, an.." he points to a tent "That's snake's tent, so stay away from it for your own good. There're a bunch of poisonous snakes roaming free, so if you get bit even once, you're off to the underworld."

"I'm one of the newer Main cast" Alice points to the back of the main cast's tent "that's my private tent, so if you guys ever need anything feel free to tell me"

Ciel nods, he understood the real reason for her telling them her tent so that they could group up and speak. 

" the way" Joker turns to them "what happened to your right eye, smile?"

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