Chapter 21

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"You were bleeding so much I was afraid you wouldn't make it" the doctor takes her arm "I'm only changing your bandages, don't worry"

Alice nods in response and the doctor begins changing her bandages.

"We found you in the woods little one" Joker sits on a chair besides her bed "do you mind telling us what happened?"

"I.." Alice looks down "my older brother was killed, I was too late to save him" her eyes teared up "Once I arrived the attacker sent.. some sort of beasts after me. All I remember is running before being attacked by the beast, then I guess I blacked out"

"You poor girl" Joker rubs her head as she cries "don't worry, you're safe here, we'll get you back to your family"

"I.. don't have a family" Alice wipes her tears "my parents died when i was young, my brother and I were orphans"

"Well then you shall stay here" Joker declares as he stood up "we'll keep you safe here and you'll become part of the family"

Alice looks down "but I..."

"don't worry" Joker smiles "many people here are like you, we're all family"

"r-really?" Alice asks

"yes" Joker replies "but first we'll need to test your skills, do you have any?"

"well.." Alice smirks "I have a few"







Alice takes off her blindfold and the onlookers all cheer and clap. All 5 of her knives has hit the bullseye.

"Great job" Joker says walking over "what else can you do?"

"Well, anything" Alice shrugs "whatever you want me to try"

"That's a little cocky don't you think?" Dagger chuckles

"well" Alice looks at him "It's not if I can back it up right?"

"She's not wrong" Wendy says then points to the trapeze "why don't you try that?"

"Alright, sure" Alice agrees

"Are you sure about this joker?" Beast asks him

"Well she sure is talented" Joker smiles "so why not?"

"Well I like her, says Emily" Snake speaks

"Do all of your snakes like her?" Doll asks

"She's nice, says Oscar" Snake replies

"I agree with that" Doll smiles "she seems friendly, a little strange, but nice"

After awhile, the circus could confirm that Alice could literally do anything they asked her to. For such a little girl she is incredibly talented.

"Well, we got your talents" Joker writes some stuff down "now, your name"

"But I already have a name" Alice says confused "it's Alice"

"Another name darling" Beast pats her head "like how all of us have a circus name, you get one too"

"Ohhhh" Alice giggles "that's cool"

"well.." Joker puts his hand on his chin in thought

"Harlequin" Snake suggests

"That's perfect" Wendy says happily

"Yeah, since she's so talented like our Joker" Beast agrees

"Harlequin it is" Joker smiles "welcome to the circus"

"I'll work hard" Alice promises "I swear"

"I know you will" Joker pats her head "Harlequin"

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