Chapter 1

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"Alice my darling little sister, it's time to wake up"

Alice groans as she hears the curtains open. She opens her eyes to see her stupid big brother Alois leaning over her with a smile.

"morning" Alice yawns

Alois smiles wider "look at how the sun shines on your beautiful porcelain skin, you-"

"shut up!" Alice kicks him in the stomach, sending him off the bed "don't be a creep!"

"even your kicks are graceful" Alois swoons

"You're so embarrassing" Alice covers her eyes

"Young miss"

Alice turns her head to look at Claude who was holding out a letter to her. She takes the envelope out of his hands.

"thank you Claude" she simply says

Claude bows to her and takes clothes out of her closet as Alois sits at the end of the bed.

"Is it from her majesty?" Alois asks

"hm" Alice nods in response

"sent off again, just when I thought we'd get some brother-sister time" Alois sighs

"there there big brother" Alice pats his head

Alois whines and hugs Alice around her waist "no, you're not leaving"

"Alois release" Alice grabs his hands and pulls them off

She stands up and takes the dress Claude picked out, after changing in her closet she comes out and sits at her vanity. Claude brushes her hair and does simple makeup.

"alright I'm off" Alice waves to them

"wait you haven't even told me where you're going!" Alois shouts, but she was already gone


Alice walked up to the detectives she saw near the crime scene.

"excuse me, I'm here to see the victim's body" she says

The young detective looks at her "You're joking, you too?"

"Their's no need for you to get involved" detective Randell walks over "the guard dog was already here"

"and now I am, if the queen summons me then I will do my job" Alice holds up her letter "or is Scotland Yard going to go against the orders of their queen"

"hmph" Randell looks away

Alice smirks and walks through, she walks around the crime scene. After a bit of investigating she leaves and walks to a shop she often goes to, she also knew this is where the guard dog would probably be as well.

As she walked in she immediately recognized the group of people speaking to the Undertaker, she knew the guard dog would be here.

"-then he rips into her and takes her precious womanly part. There will be more slain, I'm certain. Sadistic killers like this one don't stop until someone makes them. Will you stop him? Can You sniff him out, like a good little guard dog?" the undertaker laughs

"so that's it hm?"

The group turns around at the sound of the young girl's voice.

"You.." Ciel speaks "what are you doing here Alice?"

"of course, I was summoned" Alice smiles and holds up her letter

"It seems the queen keeps pairing us together" Ciel sighs

"Hm?" Madam Red looks between them "I'm sorry, are we missing something?"

"This is Alice Trancy also known as Black Widow to those of the underworld" Sebastian answers

"Isn't Black Widow an assassin?" Lao questions

"I'm also a highly respected detective for the queen" Alice smirks "just another underworld boss"

"3...2.." Ciel mumbles "..1..."

Alice smiles happy "but it's been so long since I've seen you" she suddenly hugs Ciel "look at that you're still taller then me"

"Alice" Ciel complains "release me please"

"she seems a bit..." Madam Red sweatdrops "bipolar"

"she is" Ciel tells her

"hm?" Alice looks confused

"never-mind that" Ciel pulls her off him and sighs "you are welcome to stay at my townhouse while we solve the case"

"thank you Lord Phantomhive" Alice smiles

"honestly you're like a child" Ciel looks away

"hm?" Sebastian looks at him "young master are you-"

"shut up Sebastian" Ciel orders then clears his throat "let's get going"

They climb into the carriage and start heading back to Ciel's townhouse.

"Ciel how old are you now?" Alice asks curiously

"13" Ciel replies

"No wonder your taller then me, I'm only 12" Alice looks out the window

"You seem calm now" Ciel looks at her

"Was I not before?" Alice turns to face him

"No.. I suppose you can't help that can you" Ciel sighs

"You're still as cute as ever" Alice smiles

"Lady Alice please" Ciel looks away "I am betrothed remember"

"Yes of course I remember, but you should know" Alice smirks "...I always get what I want"

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