Chapter 27

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Alice opens her eyes to see herself in a big bed, she sat up and looked around. The room looked familiar but she couldn't quite figure out where she was. She heard someone groan and she looked down to see Ciel asleep next to her.

"Ah!" Alice shouts in surprise and falls off the bed, she felt pain in her stomach "ow ow ow"

"Alice!" Ciel quickly got out of bed and kneels down in front of her "are you alright?"

"Y-yeah" she looked up at him a bit embarrassed "I was just surprised to see you there.."

"I'm sorry, I didn't act in time" Ciel looks down "If I wasn't shaking like a child you wouldn't have gotten hurt"

"huh?" Alice shakes her hands "no no, it was my fault for not being able to defend myself"

"Well" Ciel stands up "at least angels have fast healing powers" he held his hand out to her "you're almost all better"

Alice takes his hand and he pulls her onto her feet

"Sebastian!" Ciel calls out

Sebastian walks into the bedroom "yes my lord"

"Lady Alice is awake, please prepare something for her to eat" Ciel orders

"Of course, right away" Sebastian smiles and leaves the room

"I hope you didn't mind me bringing you here" Ciel turns to her "I figured your mansion would be pretty lonely, besides nobody would be there to take care of you"

"Yes, thank you Ciel" Alice smiles

"Well.." Ciel looks away with a blush "I'd be a terrible fiancé if I didn't protect my betrothed"

"Your betrothed.." Alice blushes "r-right me"

"Well of course who else?!" Ciel shouts looking at her

"I'm sorry" Alice giggles "it's nice that you're back to your normal self"

"yeah.." Ciel smiles and rubs her head

"...I wanna tackle you" Alice says

"..." Ciel sighs "fine"

"Yay!" Alice hugs him tightly and they fall to the ground

"you're never going to change" Ciel pats her head

"Nope, never" Alice looks up at him happily

Ciel smiles before putting his hand on her cheek and kissing her. Sebastian, who was standing at the door, keeps quiet as he watches over them.

Sebastian smiles 'the young master seems happy'

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