Chapter 10

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"Well, this is unfortunate Master" Sebastian says after everyone had gathered back into the Barrymore Manor. "To think, all this happening after the case was closed. I'm sure you're a bit... annoyed?" He smirks in Ciel's direction

"Are you finished?" Ciel looks at him annoyed

"Yes my Lord" Sebastian replies

"This village isolated itself completely from the rest of society out of fear of the demon hound's curse" Ciel explains "I thought for certain the hound was an illusion created by Lord Barrymore, so he could more firmly rule the village. But with him dead..."

"He was covered in bite wounds" Alice says as she sits down "It's gotta be a demon hound"

"Perhaps it was" Sebastian suggests

Angela walked into the room "Lady Trancy" she holds out a letter "this has just arrived for you"

"thank you" Alice takes the envelope from her and reads the letter

"I suppose next we start looking into this" Ciel looks at Sebastian "Sebastian"

"Yes young master" Sebastian bows before leaving

"Ciel" Alice looks worried

"What?" Ciel looks at her

"I.. I need to go" Alice stands up "will you be able to handle the rest?"

"Of course" Ciel rests his head on his hand "did something happen"

"My brother's in the hospital" Alice tells him as she packs up her things "he's asking for me so I must go to him"

"I see" Ciel sighs "don't worry, I can handle the rest"

"thank you" Alice kisses his cheek before walking to the door

"A-Alice!" Ciel blushes

Alice giggles and waves to him "see you next time my Lord Phantomhive~" she winks before leaving

Ciel sighs "that girl is going to drive me mad"


"Alois!" Alice shouts as she runs into her brother's hospital room

"Alice" Alois holds his arms out to her

Alice runs over to him and immediately hugs him, Alois sighs in relief.

"Oh I was so worried" Alice sat on his bed "Why did you suddenly have an attack?"

"I had a nightmare" Alois grabs her hand "t-they killed you.. a-and when I woke up, I-I called out for you.. b-but.." he started crying "y-you weren't there.. you p-promised.. you promised not to leave me alone!"

"Alois I had a job from the queen" Alice wipes his tears away "you know I had to go"

"I don't care!" Alois shouts

"Alois stop it" Alice lays him back down against his pillows "you're yelling again"

"So what!" he shouts "you left me!"

"Now now my dear brother, I wouldn't be known as the best assassin if I didn't carry out my jobs" Alice kisses his hand "besides, I already got the job done. Lord Barrymore is dead and nobody suspects me, so I could come see you as soon as I got the letter"

"really?" Alois smiles "my little sister is the absolute best"

"The town though..." Alice looked down "it was covered with the scent, of a demon hound"

"A demon hound?" Alois looks concerned "Were you ok? Did you have an attack?"

"Well.. there was a time that I kinda spaced out but I snapped out of it" Alice tells him "I was perfectly fine big brother"

"That's good" Alois sighs

As Alice takes some paperwork out of her bag she feels a hand on her upper back, rubbing over her scars.

"Do they still hurt?" Alois asks her

"Not anymore" Alice turns towards him and holds his hand "it was many years ago, you should stop worrying about it"

"It was all his fault" Alois says hatefully "our damn father's"

"He abandoned you Alois" Alice tells him as she does paperwork "you became an orphan because of him, and we're lucky that we became Trancy's"

Alois turns and lays his head on her back "do you miss her.. your mother?"

"some times" Alice answers truthfully "what about you.. do you miss your mother?"

"Of course not" Alois wraps his arms around Alice's waist "I don't miss anybody, all I need is you"

"It's strange how we're siblings" Alice laughs a bit "Same father, different mothers"

"that doesn't matter" Alois hugs her tighter "we're together now, and I'm never letting you go"

"oh yeah?" Alice takes his arms off her waste and makes him lay down

Alois looks upset until she puts down her paperwork and lays down next to him.

"yes" Alois says

"What if I get married?" Alice asks

"I'll kill him" Alois glares

"I'm sure you will big brother" Alice laughs "get some rest before we head home ok"

"fine" Alois closes his eyes "as long as it gets me out of here"

Alice smiles "oh big brother, what am I gonna do with you?"

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