Chapter 20

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"Alice... Alice wake up"


"Yes baby, you have to wake up, you haven't completed your mission yet"

"But mommy.. I don't know what to do.. I'm so confused"

Alice opens her eyes to see a figure floating above her. The women, her mother, floats down and kisses her forehead. Alice's memories flood back into her, all the missions that she went on with Ciel. All her memories from her childhood were restored as well.

Alice remembered everything.. Sebastian wasn't the one who killed Alois's village or their mother. It was Hannah, who was contacted by Luka. Hannah was the one who summoned the demon hounds, who tore off her wings, and killed her mother. But the unknown ending.. surprised her.

~years ago~

As Jim walked away with little Alice, Alice opened her eyes to see a figure with black hair and red eyes swoop down and pick up the angel. A tear fell down Alice's cheek as she closed her tired eyes.


"So Claude lied to Alois.. he told him Sebastian killed you"

"Alice, before I met you and Jim's father James Macken, I was in love with a demon, and was deemed a sinner by my kind. In order to escape prosecution I left the land of the angels and went into hiding, that's where I met your father. Our firstborn was Jim and then a year later we had you.. but I wasn't planning on you being born with wings"

"..he didn't know did he?"

"I never told him I was an angel, but when you were born the truth came out.. and we were rejected by your father. Your father kept Jim and we were driven out. So to protect us I went back to the land of the Angels.

My father welcomed me back, but made me swear to never see the demon again. The angels did some tests on you to make sure you weren't born from the demon, once they confirmed you were born from me and a human, you were returned to me"

"...the demon you fell in love with.. was Sebastian, Ciel's demon butler, right?"

"Yes, that's why he knows you, he was the one who retrieved my body when I died and returned me to the angels to be properly buried"

"Ok, so what was this mission you mentioned?"

"Your mission given by the angels, to lead Ciel Phantomhive along the right path, so you must live"

"But Ciel hates me, and for all I know he could already be dead"

"Ciel lives my child, Sebastian has beaten Claude and the demon Hannah has made it so that Sebastian can never consume Ciel's soul. But now Ciel is looking for you, so you must return to him, somehow"



"Young Master I have searched all over the Trancy Estate" Sebastian bows "but the young lady Trancy is nowhere to be found"

"damn it!" Ciel slams his fist on the table "that girl.. after everything we've been through"

"Young master" Sebastian looks at him surprised

"It's all finally over.. and I got my memory back" Ciel stands up "I remember all the missions we went on and all the times she's hugged me, teased me, flirted with me.. anything.. and even if I found it annoying.. I.."

"It seems the young master has fallen for the young angel" Sebastian smirks

"oh shut it you bloody demon" Ciel says annoyed "I- She's been so obsessed with me and now it's like she disappeared from the earth.. she can't be dead!"

"I would know if she was dead" Sebastian tells him "when an angel dies a new star appears in the sky"

"Like you know how many bloody stars are in the sky" Ciel looks at him annoyed

"I promise you sir" Sebastian smiles "I never lie"

Ciel turns and looks out the window " really can't find her?"

"I swear sir, I truly cannot" Sebastian answers truthfully

"damn it Alice" Ciel looks up at the sky "where are you?"


Alice opens her eyes to see the ceiling of what looks like a tent.

"w-what.." Alice speaks softly

Alice stands up but instantly feels pain and lets out a whine.

"Don't get up, you're still injured"

Alice jumps a bit startled and looks over to see a man in a wheelchair, he wore a doctor's coat. Their was a man next to him that had orange hair, he wore some face paint looked like he was in a circus or something.

"I'm glad to see you're finally awake" the circus man smiled "we were worried you'd never wake up"

"w-where am I?" Alice asks scared "w-who are you?"

"Don't be scared you're no longer in danger, you're safe here at Noah's Ark Circus" the circus man takes off his hat and bows to her "I'm Joker" he looks up and smiles nicely to her "it's a pleasure to meet you little miss"

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