Chapter 6

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"Alice my little ray of sunshine it's time to wake up"

"Alois if you don't step back from me I'm going to punch your lights out" Alice grumbles

"you're so cold" Alois whines

Alice opens her eyes and sits up in her bed. Alois is sitting at the end of her bed with a smile on his face.

"...I don't like that smile" Alice crawls to the end of the bed "what'd you do"

Alois laughs "nothing"

"It's not nothing" Alice giggles and puts her hand on his shoulder's "come on tell me"

"If I told you then it wouldn't be a secret now would it" Alois smirks and puts his hands on her hips

"aw you're so mean" Alice whines

Claude clears his throat to get their attention "if you two are done with your lewd actions can we get on with the day"

"fine" Alice stands up, she pulls Alois off her bed and pushes him out of her room "Claude help me get dressed"

Claude bows "yes ma'am"


The two siblings sit at the table eating breakfast when they hear a plate crash. They look over to see their maid Hannah cleaning up a broken plate.

"geese Hannah, you're hopeless" Alice complains "do something right for once in your life"

"my apologies milady" Hannah says as she stands up and bows

"hurry up and clean it" Alois commands "useless all of you"

"triplets!" Alice shouts

"yes" "yes" "yes" the three appear

"order a new dining set" Alice orders "I want it white with some nice purple designs"

"yes ma'am" they bow and leave

Alois sighs "just another day in the manor"

After breakfast the two begin their studies. Alois worked on fencing while Alice read books.

"Lady Alice" Hannah walks in

"what is it?" Alice asks without looking up from her book

"a letter has arrived.. from the queen" Hannah shakily holds out the letter

"what now?" Alice takes the letter angrily "I just recovered from my last case after being stabbed between my-"

Alois walks over "where are you going now?"

"let's see" Alice opens the letter and begins reading, she soon smiles and squeals "I'm working with Ciel!"

"what no fair" Alois complains "not again"

"oh so sorry my dear brother looks like I have to head off again, duty calls" Alice quickly gets up and rushes to her room "Hannah! Come help!"

"y-yes" Hannah follows after her

Alice directs Hannah what to pack.

"Where will you be going Milady?" Hannah asks

Alice looks at the letter boredly "says here I'm going to Houndsworth"

"Do you like Lord Phantomhive Lady Alice?" Hannah questions

Alice turns happy "like him? I absolutely adore him, he might be a bit older then me but that doesn't change how absolutely admiring he is" Alice squeals "that cold expression that he has just hides how absolutely adorable he is when he gets all flustered"

Hannah smiles "I hope that you two will have a very happy ending Milady"

"I would hope so" Alice pouts "but he already has a fiance... I say we just kill her"

"Lady Alice that might be a bit rash" Hannah suggests

"hm.. rash?" Alice grabs Hannah's face and pulls her down to looks at her "listen up, I'll do whatever it takes to get Ciel Phantomhive, he will be mine" Alice smirks "he doesn't have a choice"

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