Chapter 11

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Alice sat in her study going through papers when Alois came in.

"yes big brother" Alice says without looking up

"Why are you still working?" Alois asks annoyedly "you're supposed to be with me, it's late"

"Alois I have to keep the company in order" Alice replies "Or do you not want to be rich?"

"I do" Alois whines "but you're always so busy"

Alice picks up a letter on her desk "then you will be disappointed once again" she shows it to him

"the bloody queen again!" Alois shouts

"duty calls big brother" Alice stands up and walks over to him "I'll be back as soon as I can" she kisses him on the cheek

"i suppose it can't be helped" Alois sighs "but the bed will be so cold without you"

"oh don't worry, I'm sure Clouse can warm it for you while I'm away" Alice replies

Clouse is standing in the doorway looking annoyed "must you two speak like that? It's very misleading"

"that's the point" Alice walks out the door


Winter in England is a grey season that is enveloped by thick and heavy snow. After the series of murders by Jack the Ripper, London returned to it's peaceful state, but only for a brief time. There was a strange case involving British citizens who had recently returned from India being continuously attacked.

They were striped of everything and hung upside down from the eaves of the Hindustani coffee house in Portman Square. Since them nobleman or soldiers who had returned from India were meeting the same fate from time to time.

Those victims all had the same papers stuck to them:

Watch this, you wild, pathetic chosen children of sloth and depravity. England is the motherland of the devil. It steals everything and forces its worthless rotten and decadent culture on you instead. To all the bitch-dominated idiots of this land, you are the ones that deserve the vengeance of Heaven! Now, the day has come!

"Damn it this is the 20th one now!" Lord Randall, Scotland yards police commissioner, shouts "you haven't apprehended the culprit yet Aberline!"

"My apologies" Fred Aberline, a Scotland yard officer, replies

"Feh, and the glory of catching Jack the Ripper was Stolen from us also by those little brats" Randall complains

"Sorry to be such brats"

The two turn around to see Ciel and Sebastian.

"Earl Phantomhive" Randall greets "why are you here?"

Ciel looks at him blankly "Isn't it obvious, I'm here to clean up the mess made by an old pathetic hunting dog"

"What the-"

Ciel takes the case files "Hmm is that so.. A crime targeted only at people who have returned to England from India. I see the victims are not dead"

"Don't just-"

Ciel holds up a envelope with the queens seal "If it was just a highwayman we wouldn't get involved"

"We?" Randall questions

"Of course the other brat you were talking about will be joining me as usual"

"Of course" they hear a voice "because we won't sit by and watch the royal family be insulted"

Ciel turns to face Alice "The criminals are described as chosen children of sloth and depravity"

"yes which is quite accurate" Alice says "I agree that England would be better off without India's wealthy upstarts"

"They are cowards who were too busy with extravagance and indulged in worthless pastimes" Randall comments "most of them are upper-class people in this so-called Great Britain"

"How worthless" Alice laughs

"Anyways, what's with this mark?" Ciel questions pointing a symbol of a tongue sticking out at the end of the paper

"He's making a fool of us British and the Queen! What an idiot!" Randall shouts angrily "Targeting only those who returned from India means that the criminal cant be anyone other than a vulgar Indian Barbarian"

"hmm I see" Ciel says then turns to Sebastian "Did you memorize those documents"

"yes my lord" Sebastian replies

"Then lets go" Ciel says turning around "Are you coming Alice?"

"Right behind you" Alice hands the papers back to the Scotland Yard and follows him "It looks like the cat and dog are paired together once again"

Ciel nods "indeed"

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