Chapter 13

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Sebastian opened the curtains, waking up Alice, she whined and pulled the sheets over her eyes.

"Lady Trancy I apologize for waking you up but the young master has ordered me to" Sebastian tells her

"Yeah yeah" Alice grumbles "later"

"Come now Mi'lady, your mother would scold you for not getting up" Sebastian smirks as he walks to the door "she never was the type to be late"

Alice's eyes widen and she sits up looking at him " knew my mother"

"That.." Sebastian walks out the door "would be correct... I'll see you downstairs Lady Trancy"

After getting dressed, Alice went down stairs to see Prince Soma at the table with Lau and Ciel.

"Ah good morning Lady Trancy" Lau greets

"Morning kitten" Prince Soma greets

Ciel is seated at the head of the table, Alice sits to his side. Sebastian brings out breakfast and they begin eating.

Ciel looks over at Prince Soma and Agni "How long do you two intend to stay in my house?"

"We'll leave once our work is done" Soma replies

"Aren't you two looking for someone?" Lau asks

"We're looking for a lady" Prince Soma takes out that poorly drawn picture of an Indian women "this lady, her name is Mina. She was a maidservant at my palace"

Ciel looks at the stupid picture then turns to Sebastian "Sebastian can you find her with this?"

"Even for me, that's..." Sebastian sighs "I'll try my best then"

"meh, I have never seen such a beautiful lady" Lau comments

"Of course! She is the most beautiful lady in my palace" Lau replies then turns to Alice "of course you are the most beautiful lady in England little kitten"

"Uh.. thanks" Alice says before taking a sip of tea

"So" Ciel speaks "why is this women in England?"

"Oh look!" Prince Soma looks out side "Let's go out Midget!" Prince Soma declares happily as he picks up Ciel "You'll be my guide!"

"Why me!?" Ciel shouts "Besides I'm not Midget, my name is Ciel!"

"Then Ciel, I order you to lead the way" Soma says walking to the door

Sebastian stops him "I'm deeply sorry, but it has already been scheduled for the young master to study and work today"

Ciel is back on his feet "As you can see i'm very busy, if you want to look for that person then do it yourself"

"then what about you kitten?" Prince Soma asks Alice hopefully

"Sorry your highness I have work" Alice replies with a smile

"Come now young master" Sebastian says

Ciel stands up and follows Sebastian down the hall.

He stops a turns "Alice.. be careful going out"

"Or course" Alice smiles "I'll see you later puppy"

"P-puppy" Ciel looks annoyed "how dare you-"

"Bye bye" Alice runs out the door


Alice puts her hand up and felt the snow as it came down.

"Beautiful white snow covers the area, the color of purity and innocence" Alice stops and her smile disappears "but the angels have stained the color white with red, the innocent have been murdered and those no longer deemed fit to be an angel have been slaughtered. Such a pity my mother has died in this way"

Alice sighs and turns around to stare into the empty ally "have you come to take me away?"

"you've become close to that boy"

"Indeed I have" Alice smiles "It's a pity you find him impure, to think that sweet boy has been deemed unfit by the angels"

"you are sick"

"Why thank you" Alice puts her hands behind her back "I never wanted to be a copy of the others"

"You should be happy that they've kept you alive"

"Oh I'm sure I would I have been slaughtered like my mother?" Alice tilts her head "but I suppose that if you killed me my special bloodline would die out, you can't touch me as long as I'm the sole survivor of that clan"

"look at you, you've learned a lot haven't you"

"I'm sure it just pisses you off that I'm standing here" Alice smirks "you and the rest of my kind would just want me dead"

"you are an impure angel"

"And that's why I no longer have my wings" Alice laughs "such a painful thing to put a child through, to rip off my wings"


"I suppose you're here because you need something from me" Alice sighs

"You and your cursed blood is the only thing that opens that"

"and if i refuse?" Alice asks

"We could go pay that psycho brother of yours a visit"

"Alois has enough trouble, just leave him be" Alice looks annoyed "fine.."

"How quick you are to agree"

"I loose my sanity every time I use that thing, I'm becoming more and more like my poor half brother" Alice sighs and looks back towards the Phantomhive house "take care Ciel"


"Sebastian.. has Al- Lady Alice returned yet?" Ciel asks as Sebastian changes him into his nightshirt

"no my lord she hasn't" Sebastian replies "are you worried about her?"

"don't be silly, we are just partners working for the queen" Ciel tells him

"Young Master!" Mey-rin shouts as she knocks on the door

"What is it?" Ciel asks

Mey-Rin walks in quickly and hands Sebastian a letter "this letter came from Lady Trancy"

"hm?" Ciel looks up "what does it say?"

"She says she has been summoned by the Queen on important business once again" Sebastian tells him

"Being the Queen's assassin i'm not surprised she's always getting called away" Ciel sighs "It can't be helped, we will continue as planned"

Sebastian bows "yes my lord"

I'm sorry I always tend to skip the rest of season 1 cause i don't really have any ideas for it. With the start of season 2 the real story can now start coming together.

How do you guys think her personality should start being? Since she is "obsessed" with Ciel I was thinking she should start acting like a Yandere but I'm not entirely sure about how her whole personality should be like, what do you guys think?

Please help so I can update more.

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