Chapter 7

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"Young miss we are here"

Alice opens her eyes and looks out the window

"Young miss?"

Alice looks at Clouse who is standing at the end of the open door, holding his hand out to her. Alice stands up and takes his hand, Clouse helps her out of her carriage.

"I'll call you when I need you to pick me up" Alice yawns

"Yes ma'am" Clouse bows to her

Alice takes her bag out of the trunk before her carriage takes off. Alice sighs and looks towards where she is staying. It was a large Mansion on top of the hill. A young maid with light purple hair exited the mansion.

"Lady Trancy?" the maid questions

"yes" Alice turns towards her

"Welcome" the maid bows "I am Angela, the head maid. I will take you to my master, Lord Phantomhive has already arrived"

"really? thank you very much" Alice smiles

Angela lead her to a room, she stepped in first, Alice then followed. She sees a man already talking to Ciel and Sebastian.

"I won't sell" the man says "I can't, not with the curse"

"Curse?" Ciel asks quite interested

"The curse of the demon hound" the man tells him "the creature destroys all who go against the Barrymore name"

"sounds interesting" Alice speaks up with a smirk "I can't wait"

"huh?" the man looks at her

Ciel and Sebastian turn to face Alice as well.

"While you might try to use this curse to scare us off Lord Barrymore, I am only more interested" Alice puts her bag down "the guard dog can run off with his tail between his legs but I intend to stay"

"Don't go spewing nonsense" Ciel says "I am quite interested as well, this by no means will scare me off"

"You two better watch your mouths" Barrymore says annoyed "Must you heed the curse, any and all of you could be wiped out by the demon hound"

Ciel glares at him "no curse will scare away a Phantomhive"

"nor the Black Widow" Alice smirks

Lord Barrymore just became more and more angry until they left to go to their room. Angela silently lead them there while looking at the floor. 

Angela opens a door at the end of the hall "I hope you'll, be comfortable" she says with a bow

"Who's room is this?" Ciel asks

"It is both of yours, you will be sharing a room" Angela replies calmly

"what?!" Ciel shouts angrily

"yay" Alice cheers happily

Angela bows before leaving

"s-sharing" Ciel looks annoyed "oh I see, if they can't scare me out they'll make me uncomfortable instead"

"I'm not uncomfortable" Alice smiles and walks inside the room "it's a big enough bed to fit both of us"

Ciel grumbles and walks into the room "the bed isn't the issue"

"my how unfortunate this has played out" Sebastian says with a smirk

"clearly you're lying" Ciel comments clearly annoyed

Alice puts her bag down "relax Ciel their's a bathroom, so we can each get dressed in a different room"

"Their's more then one issue!" Ciel shouts "and when did i give you permission to call me by my first name!"

"Aw, are we not friends" Alice says with cute, sad eyes

"w-well I don't really have.." Ciel looks away "i-i'm not.."

"Young master I'd say you and young Lady Alice are close" Sebastian smiles "you've already been on several cases together and have strange personality similarities"

"I-I suppose so" Ciel reluctantly agrees

"yay" Alice turns happy and hugs him

"must you always do this!" Ciel shouts

"of course, because I'm happy" Alice smiles "hugging is a way to show closeness and affection"

"We're not that close" Ciel looks away, blushing a bit

"Young master I think for now sharing a room with the young lady will be adequate"  Sebastian says "it is needed in order to carry out this mission"

"I suppose you're right" Ciel sighs then looks at Alice "but you keep to your side of the bed you hear me!"

Alice smiles "yes my Lord Phantomhive"

The start to unpack, after a while they suddenly hear a knock at the door.

"Come in" Ciel says

Angela enters the room "Please, young Phantomhive and lady Trancy. I beg of you to leave this place"

Ciel shakes his head "There is no-"

A loud sound was heard from outside and a huge shadow appeared on the window.

"Sebastian!" Ciel shouts

Sebastian quickly ran up to the window and pulled the curtains back. There was nothing to be seen outside.

"What was that?" Alice questions

They saw a crowd form outside the mansion. Ciel, Alice, Sebastian, and Angela quickly headed out to see what was going on. Bard, Finny, Mey-Rin, and Tanaka followed shorty after. 

"Angela, you must get Lord Barrymore!" one of the villagers shout "The demon hound has struck again!"

"Who was the punished one?" Angela asks with a shaking voice

Ciel and Alice exchanged a look before they all headed into town towards the murder scene. 

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