Chapter 18

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"I've arranged some entertainment for our guest today"

Alice turns to see Alois standing at her door

"Big brother I'm so happy" Alice runs over to him "Me and Ciel are betrothed"

"yes I know" Alois rubs her head "I'm glad you're happy.. very glad"

Their's a knock on the main door downstairs.

"He's here" Alice squeals

Alice runs out and Alois chuckles before following her downstairs. Ciel and Sebastian enter the Trancy Manor carefully, Ciel had almost everything planned out, he just didn't know how far he was going to go. Their was one thing he needed to find out before deciding.

Ciel and Sebastian are welcomed warmly by Claude and are introduced to an enormous chessboard Alois has constructed for the butlers and servants to battle on while Ciel and Alois watch from afar. Ciel heard heels on the stair and turns around to see Alice.

Alice reaches the bottom of the stairs and trips on the last step

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Alice reaches the bottom of the stairs and trips on the last step. Ciel puts his arm out and catches her.

"Honestly you're like a child" Ciel chuckles "you shouldn't run down the stairs"

"I was just so excited that you were here" Alice stands up straight "I couldn't wait to see you"

"but you're safety is more important" Ciel tells her

"I agree my dear sister" Alois says as he descends the stairs

Ciel glares at Alois

"But I didn't get hurt" Alice hugs Ciel's arm "Ciel was here to catch me, and as long as he's here, I'll always be safe"

Ciel's eyes widen before patting her head "yes.. now please let go of my arm"

"right sorry" Alice lets go of his arm and giggles, she turns to the Triplets and Hannah "now you guys go prepare, and you better win!"

"yes ma'am" the servants reply

Claude, Hannah, and the triplets prep up themselves before going up against Sebastian, all confidently believe to gain victory. Alois sits on his chair in the balcony above the giant chess board, Ciel sits on his chair that was beside Alois, Alice then sits in the chair next to Ciel's.

"You seem oddly confident in your servants" Ciel says "I image how disappointed you'll be when they lose"

"oh?" Alois smirks "I don't think so"

"our servants have been trained greatly" Alice smiles "even if they don't defeat Sebastian I believe they'll do fairly well"

"We'll see" Ciel replies

As the battle begins, Sebastian easily beats the triplets by impaling them with their own weapon. Then Hannah confidently shows off her shooting skills. However, she is unable to shoot Sebastian and he then finishes her off with a 100 knife throw.

"What an able butler you have my Lord" Alice says excitedly "I've seen him in action before but never like this"

"Yes he is simply amazing" Ciel agrees

"Alright" Alois stands up and claps "Lunch Break"

Whilst cooking, Claude intently stares at Ciel imagining the taste of his soul. Sebastian interrupts him and comments on how he will never let Claude taste Ciel's soul, let alone lick it. After a short food fight, during which they create amazing sculptures from the thrown food behind each other, they serve their courses.

Swiftly Sebastian and Claude continue their battle. This time Claude uses a special demonic sword that he pulls out from Hannah's stomach. While they battle Sebastian shows some weakness.

"I'm bored" Ciel stands up and turns to Alois "would you show me around your manor, I'm very interested in it"

"huh?" Alice looks at Ciel "Alois doesn't have to do that, I can show-"

"No!" Ciel shouts scaring Alice, he clears his throat "Sorry, I just would like you to stay and watch over Sebastian's fight with Claude, you know cause.. I trust you to"

"Oh alright" Alice smiles

"Make sure to tell us who wins" Alois stands up and smiles to his sister

"Alright.." Alice agrees

After the two masters leave, Claude lured Sebastian into a trap made of demonic spider webs and then comments on how weak Sebastian is becoming and whether it's because of his attachment with Ciel. Claude is approaching Sebastian in his web and is near winning when the sound of swords clashing is heard.

"What's going on?" Alice asks worriedly as she stands up "Claude! Let's go"

Claude jumps up and picks up Alice before jumping away. They arrive at the main room where they saw Ciel above Alois, his sword going through Alois's chest.

"Alois!" Alice shouts and runs down

"A-Alice" Ciel looks over at her

"Get away from my brother!" Alice pushes Ciel off Alois and he hits the ground

"Alice listen to me!" Ciel stands up angrily "the Trancy's killed my parents and your brother was planning to finish me off! I had to stop him-"

"shut up!" Alice's eyes glowed gold as tears went down her face

"I-it hurts" Alois chokes out "Alice h-help me, I-I don't want to die"

"Alois" Alice grabs his hand and cries "It's gonna be ok"

"No.." Ciel glares at Alois "I have to kill him!"

Ciel lunges forward but Sebastian grabs him.

"Young master.. the dance is over" Sebastian says

"I have to.." Ciel stares at Alice crying "Alice.."

"get out" Alice glares at him

"y-your eyes" Ciel stares at her glowing golden eyes

"I said get out!" Alice shouts

"come young master" Sebastian picks up Ciel and quickly leaves

"save me.." Alois cries "please"

"Claude do something!" Alice shouts at the butler

Claude just stares there standing at the two

Alice glares at him "Claude!"

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