Chapter 16

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Alice sat upstairs in her room at her vanity, Hannah was standing behind her combing through her hair.

"Hannah make sure you pick out a good costume, I want to look my best in front of Lord Phantomhive" Alice instructs

"Yes my Lady" Hannah agrees

"honestly" Alice looks into her mirror at Hannah's bandaged eye "my brother should be more delicate with a lady, even if you're a maid, demon's are not so kind when angered"

"My lady please don't say such things" Hannah says "I am the master's servant, I wouldn't-"

"I know I know" Alice waves her hand "please go get my dress"

"yes" Hannah goes into Alice's closet

Hannah comes out with Alice's clothes and begins dressing her. After she finishes she helps her with hair and makeup. Alice smiles as she looks at herself in the mirror.

"Perfect" Alice smiles "I look absolutely beautiful"

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"Perfect" Alice smiles "I look absolutely beautiful"

"Should you really be showing that much skin?"

Alice turns to the door where Alois was leaning against the wall with Claude beside him.

"What do you not like it?" Alice asks walking towards him "I thought I looked good"

"You do look good" Alois takes her hand and kisses it "it will be perfect for tonight's festivities"

"I'm looking forward to it" Alice smirks

"You go down and prepare" Alois instructs "I'm going to find my costume"

"alright big brother" Alice pats his shoulder "feel free to use one of my dresses if you'd like"

"thank you my darling little sister" Alois hugs her "you're the best"

"yeah yeah let me go now" Alice pushes him playfully and walks towards the door "make sure to help him Hannah"

"Yes my lady" Hannah bows

Alice walks downstairs. At the party, everyone is in fancy dress, and having a good time. The triplets are attending to the guests and Bard, Finny and Mey-Rin all decide that they should help. Baldroy uses his sword to cut the food, resulting in cutting the table in half. Finny tried to carry a box of drinks and drops it and spills them over a rug, and Mey-Rin is trying to carry plates with her usual consequences.

"You idiots" Ciel scolds "look what you did"

"oh no"

Ciel turns around to see Alice looking concerned "L-Lady Trancy, please forgive my servants, they-"

"Think nothing of it" Alice snaps her fingers "Triplets"

"yes ma'am" the triplets are there instantly

"would you please" Alice smiles

"it would be our pleasure" the triplets bow

The triplets spring into action. One of them replaces the broken table and puts out a new spread of food, one of them clears up the spilled drinks and replaced the rugs and the other one catches the plates before they smash. They all move so swiftly it's almost inhuman.

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