Chapter 9

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"Good Morning young master" Sebastian greets as he opens the curtains "and to you too Lady Alice"

Ciel opens his eyes as does Alice.

"5 more minutes" Ciel says turning back into his soft pillow and closing his eyes

"Um Ciel" Alice says poking his cheek

"What is it?" Ciel mutters half asleep "I want to sleep a bit longer, you can get up"

"I would gladly get up.." Alice blushes a bit "if your head wasn't laying in between my chest"

Ciel's eyes opened wide and he lifted his head up to see that he was indeed sleeping in the middle of her chest, the "soft pillow" were her breasts. Ciel's face turned dark red, he quickly moved and ended up falling right off the bed.

"Ah! Ciel are you alright?" Alice asks concerned

"I-I'm fine" Ciel stands up

"My my young master" Sebastian smirks "how bold of you"

"shut up!" Ciel orders "It wasn't on purpose"

"no need to be shy darling" Alice smiles

"look what you did Sebastian you encouraged her!" Ciel shouts

"what are you talking about young master?" Sebastian asks with an innocent look on his face "I did nothing of the sort"

"yeah right" Ciel grumbles 

After the two got ready for the day they went and headed to the pond. Apparently, Sebastian had convinced the servants to enjoy some time at the pond with swimming and a picnic. Ciel didn't want any part of it, instead he sat on a chair Sebastian had set for him while watching the servants goof off in the pond.

"Are you not going to join?" he hears Alice ask from beside him

"Of course not" Ciel turns to her "I don-"

Ciel stops and just stares at her

"What?" Alice looks confused "do I look weird?"

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"What?" Alice looks confused "do I look weird?"

"N-no" Ciel looks back at the pond

Alice smiles to Ciel before running off to go swim.

"Don't you care to bathe with them, young master?" Sebastian questions "Oh, I see. Is that the problem? The master can't-"

"I don't see why they're making such a big fuss about this pond" Ciel interrupts "Just because you can bathe, doesn't make it a resort." 

"You still intend to make this place into a resort, then?" Sebastian asks

"Naturally" Ciel states

"But what about this great demon hound?" Sebastian questions

"Surely you know as well as I by now" Ciel turns to him "This demon hound is no dog. Shall we discuss it further?"

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