Chapter 30

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Sebastian and Ciel sat in the living room waiting for Alice to come back. She went to change into clothes more appropriate for the world, whatever that means.

"Sorry I took a bit long"

Ciel looks at her "it's alri..."

"What's wrong?" Alice asks waving a hand in front of his face

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"What's wrong?" Alice asks waving a hand in front of his face

"I believe the young master is speechless" Sebastian smirks "he likes what he sees"

"Sebastian!" Ciel shouts blushing

"Whatever did I say wrong young master?" Sebastian asks innocently

Ciel glares at him "you-"

"We should get going" Alice interrupts "Sebastian it would be a good idea for you to stay here, I don't think a demon walking around here will end well, even if they can't sense you"

"very well young miss" Sebastian agrees "please protect the young master"

"Don't worry" Alice smiles "he's safe with me"

The two leave her house and Ciel looks around at all the white and gold buildings. It certainly did look like a community of angels. All around were men, women, and children with white wings. Ciel looks ahead at Alice's back, it seems like she was the only one who didn't have wings.

"...are all angels born with wings?" he asks

"Yes" Alice replies "though infants cannot fly right away, just like other things in life we must learn how to fly"

"I see..." Ciel stares at her back "..Alice i know you've told me you lost your wings.. but how?"

"hm?" Alice looks at him "how did I loose my wings.. well.. that's not really important right now, we're here"

"Am I allowed to be here?" Ciel looks around at the angels who didn't even give him a second glance "not many seem concerned about my presence"

"Well of course not, you're with me" Alice replies "humans accompanied by angels without chains are considered allies not foes"

The two enter a large building and Alice approaches a guard.

"Is the counsel free?" she asks

"hm?" the guard looks at her "yeah but appointments- hey!"

Alice walks past him and opens the large doors, Ciel looks concerned by her actions but follows her in.

"How dare you just barge in!" one of the council members at the table shouts

"How dare I?" Alice glares at him and points at the chair in the center "that spot belongs to me the day I turn 18 and if you want to keep YOUR chair I suggest you watch your tone"

The council member sits down and stares at her shocked.

"Alice Angel" the number 2 council chair addresses her "what brings you here today?"

Ciel stares at Alice 'here her last name is Angel? how strange for an actual angel'

"A crime scene in the England royal palace contained this" Alice holds up the angel feather "it is against the code for angels to murder humans with no probable cause, moreover this kill was quite gruesome, this angel is unstable and on the path of corruption"

"that is troubling" the third chair says looking concerned

"No that is ridiculous!" the 5th chair shouts "No angel has been corrupted in years! This would tarnish our good names if the word got out! Are we really going to listen to a traitor's daughter?!" 

Ciel glares at him "you-"

"regardless of her mother" the 4th chair speaks up "she's the only descendent from the House of Angel" he looks at Alice "we will look into this matter thoroughly, I hope you will assist us"

"Naturally" Alice crosses her arms proudly

"So who is this young man you've brought with you?" the second chair questions "he is human?"

"yes" Alice hugs Ciel's arm "this is Ciel Phantomhive, he is my fiancé and future husband" 

"Ciel Phantomhive.." the 5th chair mutters

"You've chosen a human as your lover" the 4th chair says "how wonderful" he smiles "of course angels are allowed to be with humans"

"I am aware" Alice bows to them "thank you for assisting with the case, I will begin my search from within the capital"

"And we will check all angels for blight" the 2nd chair tells her

"thank you" Alice turns and pulls Ciel with her "we leave"

"A-Alright" Ciel follows after


"that 5th chair guy.."

"hm?" Alice looks at him

"he seemed quite hostile towards you" Ciel looks at her

"the 5th council member is Kanato" Sebastian tells him "he was in love with Alice's mother before she fell in love with me and Lord Trancy"

"I see" Ciel says

"though.." Alice sits on the couch "he seemed more on edge then usual.."

"Alice what is blight?" Ciel asks curiously "the council mentioned checking the angels for it"

"Blight is what appears on the skin of an angel when they become corrupted" Alice explains

"It's purple and burns" Sebastian adds "if it touches another angel it can spread, if an angel is completely consumed by their blight they will become a phantom, a being of darkness belonging to the demons"

"Once becoming a phantom it will rampage" Alice stands up "if we don't find the angel with blight before it turns into a phantom everyone here can be consumed by it and die!"

"That is truly troublesome" Sebastian puts his hand to his chin

"Ok and what does that have to do with us?" Ciel asks "I'm not concerned about it"

"Young master after the phantom consumes all the angels it can enter your realm and begin to overtake humans" Sebastian explains with a smile "you wouldn't want that now would you?"

"" Ciel looks away

"then it's settled" Alice smiles "we'll look for the angel with blight and eliminate them"

"Wait a minute" Ciel jumps up "I thought you said angels couldn't kill people or other angels"

"Young master is it true that their is a penalty for angels breaking the code.." Sebastian looks at Alice with pity "the young miss.."

"It's not a problem for me" Alice looks at Ciel with a sad look in her eyes "cause I've already lost my wings remember"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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