Chapter 14

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Just a necessary explanation: we are on season 2 now. In the anime and in this book Ciel has forgotten a bit of his memory since before Madam Red's death meaning he has forgotten his recent cases with Alice as well. 

Simultaneously Alice did something with the Angels(that was hinted in the previous chapter) that has also caused her to lose her memory of the past year which is told in this chapter. The known events that happened to Ciel match up with the secret events of Alice. So they have both lost their memory.

This will make way for Alois and Alice's Obsession with Ciel that now begins, previous to the begging of the book it was noted that she had only been assigned with Ciel on a few missions but not many. 

Now that their memory has been set back some their relationship prior to the anime's season one and this book will be known with the begging of season 2 and this chapter. Enjoy.


Alice opens her eyes to see two icy blue eyes staring into her own.

"good morning my dear brother" Alice smiles

"Alice!" Alois happily wraps his arms around her and squeezes her "I've missed you so much"

"Missed me.. but I've been here haven't I?" Alice asks

"Is your memory gone again?" Alois asks worriedly "oh don't worry, you haven't forgotten anything too important"

"hm?" Alice tilts her head in confusion

"Don't worry about it" Alois stands up "just know your dear big brother is here to take care of you"

"of course" Alice smiles "you're always here"

Alois turns to her "Do you truly not remember the past couple years?"

"depends, how old am I?" Alice asks

"13" Alois replies

"I guess I've only lost my memory of the past year" Alice tells him "the last thing i remember is my 12th birthday"

"excellent" Alois smiles and hugs her tightly "Oh I can't wait, we'll have so much fun and-"

"Hey get off me!" Alice shouts and kicks him

"Oh I've missed your kicks" Alois smirks "how violent"

"Are you two masochists done?" Claude questions as he walks in

"I suppose" Alice smirks as she stands up, she leans against her brother "we can always continue later"

Claude sighs "stop playing and get dressed"

"I'll wait for you downstairs" Alois walks out "let's go Claude"

Claude glances at Alice before following his master out the door.

"so stingy" Alice giggles

Alice walks over to her large closet and opens the doors. Inside at the very back hung a large portrait of the boy she admired most, Ciel Phantomhive, the queen's guard dog. As the queen's assassin she has been honored to work with him on a couple cases, but he was not that fond of her.

Ciel said she was too clingy and bipolar, but he has also praised her for her skills. Alice wished that she had been born a noble so that she could've been betrothed to him. Instead that stupid girl, Elizabeth Midford was betrothed to him. That frilly, pink princess made Alice feel sick and wished she would just drop dead already.

After giving her portrait of Ciel a kiss on the cheek she walked around her closet picking out her clothes for the day. Yes, some may call her crazy, but most people are and just wont admit it. Besides it wasn't all her fault for being this way, it was because of past trauma and it's in her genetics.

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