Chapter 29

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Alice sits at her desk in the study going through many papers, the sun had already set and it was late in the night. She read through each one quickly before going to another one, she was looking for something. The door opens and Alice looks up to see Ciel standing at the door.

"What on earth are you doing so late?" Ciel asks as he walks over "work?"

"Nothing for you to worry about dear" Alice takes off her glasses and smiles at him

"Are you hiding something from me?" Ciel asks as he sits on his chair

"...maybe" Alice stands up and walks over to him, she sits on his lap and wraps her arms around him "or maybe i'm just busy"

"Don't try to distract me Alice" Ciel rests his head on his hand "what are you doing?"

"You're no fun" Alice pouts

The door opens and in walks Sebastian, he stares at the two's position.

"Sorry for interrupting" Sebastian bows

"You're not interrupting anything get your mind out of the gutter you dirty demon!" Ciel shouts, blushing

"My apologies" Sebastian stands up looking amused, he takes out a letter "A message from the queen to the both of you"

"Another mission" Alice says excitedly

She jumps off Ciel's lap and takes the letter from Sebastian. Alice walks back to her desk and sits in her chair as she opens the letter.

"What does it say?" Ciel asks

"Their's been a murder.." Alice reads more "in the palace!"

"in the palace.." Ciel looks confused

"we're being called out to the palace" Alice looks at him "we're told to come quickly"

Ciel turns to Sebastian "pack our things quickly, we'll be leaving within 30 minutes"

"Yes young master" Sebastian bows


Alice yawns as they sit on the train.

"Are you tired?" Ciel asks her

"Of course not" Alice smiles "just bored"

"If you're tired then sleep" Ciel looks out the window 

Alice sighs "I told you i'm not-"

Ciel grabs her head and pulled it onto his shoulder, he rested his arm around her.

"Sleep" he orders without looking at her

Alice smiles before drifting off to sleep. After a long night ride the two arrive at the station, Sabastian wakes them up and they head to the palace. Alice and Ciel show their special badges to the guards and they let them through the gates. Once they made it to the throne room the three bow in front of the Queen.

"My trusted guard dog and Arachne, thank you for coming" the Queen says

"It is our honor your majesty" Ciel replies

"What is so urgent about this case?" Alice asks

"I'm afraid it was done by.. other worldly things" the Queen answers "their's nobody else I trust more then the two of you with this task"

"Of course, as the queen's guard dog I will find the threat" Ciel says

"And I" Alice smirks "will eliminate them"

The Queen smiles "thank you"

Ciel and Alice were lead by the Double Charles, Earl Grey and Phipps, to the murder scene. The scene was untouched and being examined by the palace detectives. Surprisingly when the two arrived they moved out of the way for them immediately.

Ciel sees the pool of blood on the ground, it's surely gruesome.

"Dear, you and Sebastian stay out here, I'll go look" Alice tells him "I have a knack for supernatural things anyway"

"If you say so" Ciel replies

Alice smiles to him before walking into the murder scene, the person killed was a guard, cut in half. She searched around the scene, the presence felt familiar but she wasn't certain it was what she thought the being was. That was until she found what she was looking for, a white feather.

Alice puts the feather in her pocket before walking out of the scene and over to her fiancé.

"Alright, let's get to my townhouse" Alice says "we can analyze the finding and begin the investigation.

"You heard her" Ciel looks at Sebastian "let's go"

"Yes my Lord" Sebastian bows

The group leaves the palace and heads to the Trancy townhouse located in the area. Ciel had one too of course but Alice insisted on going to hers. Once they arrive Ciel and Sebastian stand behind her as she uses a spell to unlock the door.

"Why is your manor locked by a spell?" Ciel asks confused

"Well not just anyone can come into this place" Alice looks at him with a smirk "it's special"

"Oh no" Ciel mutters

Alice opens the door and suddenly a barrier activates around the place.

"come on in" Alice gestures them to come inside

"what sort of angel contraption is this?" Sebastian questions

"you'll see you'll see" Alice pushes them inside

She quickly shuts the door behind them and Ciel stares inside the house, it was beautiful.

She quickly shuts the door behind them and Ciel stares inside the house, it was beautiful

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" rich are you!" Ciel shouts

"My mother was extremely rich" Alice replies

Ciel looks at Sebastian who looks like he's in pain.

"Sebastian what's wrong?!" Ciel freaks out

"right I forgot" Alice says calmly "sorry Sebby" she takes out a pill and throws it to him

Sebastian catches it and stares at it

"Hurry up and eat it" Alice commands "before you get me in trouble"

Sebastian eats the pill, his pain subsides and his red eyes turn brown. Out of curiosity he takes off his glove, the contract mark was faded.

"w-what on earth did you give me?" Sebastian asks confused and slightly angry

"Alice" Ciel looks at her

"Don't worry, the pill only lasts for 3 hours" Alice replies walking forward "your demon powers will return then"

"I see" Sebastian puts his glove back on "so you brought us here after all"

"Here? Where is here?!" Ciel shouts

"Where the angels live of course" Alice replies calmly

"W-what?!" Ciel looks shocked "why?"

Alice takes the angel feather from the crime scene out of her pocket "to catch our killer"

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