Chapter 17

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Sebastian fights against Claude and the twins. Sebastian is easily able to evade the servants while holding Ciel before making his escape.

"that butler is so cool" Alois says "maybe even cooler than Claude"

Claude glances at him

"Well Sebastian is strong I'll give him that" Alice agrees

Alois turns to Claude "I want you to beat him"


The siblings return to the party to see that the armonica had exploded; the guests remember nothing and simply applaud at the great music

Alice walks over to Hannah "It's a shame it was destroyed"

"I'm sorry young miss" Hannah bows

Alice turns to look at Ciel and Sebastian.

"What was that instrument Sebastian?" Ciel asks him

"It was originally called The singing voice of the angels, it was very popular, but it was so bewitching that it would seemingly confuse people's hearts, so it was banned as an instrument of the devil" Sebastian tells him "I believe young lady Trancy was the one in possession of the instrument" 

"I see, and why is that?" Ciel asks

"Because Lady Trancy-" Sebastian is cut off by Alois and Alice walking up onto their stage

"Attention everyone!" everyone looks over at Alois "I am one of tonight's hosts Alois Trancy, and this is my younger sister Alice Trancy"

Alice steps up "The show you just saw was some entertainment I had prepared for you guests while my brother and I were away"

Everyone claps

"Please enjoy the rest of the party!" the siblings smile

The siblings step down and Claude bows to them.

"Young Master I would like to talk to Claude alone" Sebastian says to Ciel "will that be alright Lord Trancy"

"Alright" Alois smirks and whispers to Claude "you must solve the matter within ten minutes otherwise I will punish you"

"Yes your highness" Alois pushes his glasses up

The two demons leave as the siblings go to greet some guests. Claude and Sebastian appear back in the hall after 9 minutes. Ciel doesn't seem happy that Claude is safe and sound, but then Sebastian gives some documents revealing that the Trancy family was investigating the Phantomhives to Ciel.

Music starts up again and people start dancing. Ciel looks up when he sees Alois dancing with Elizabeth. Ciel angrily walks over to Alice.

"What is it Ciel?" Alice asks

"Your brother is dancing with my fiancé" Ciel says annoyed

"And?" Alice smirks "my brother has danced with lady Midford on many occasions, it's a party lighten up"

"I wanna know.." Ciel looks at her seriously "why do you want me? Why are you so obsessed with me"

"From the first time we met.." Alice looked out at the moon "you had always been the one to understand me"

"Understand you.." Ciel looks confused

"come Lord Phantomhive, let's dance" Alice pulls him onto the floor and begins to dance with him

"You sure are full of tricks" Ciel says annoyed

"but don't you like tricks" Alice giggles "it's what makes the game fun"

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