Chapter 3

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"Oh I'm so excited" Alice squeals

 "Oh you're adorable" Madam Red squeals "I've always wanted to dress up a girl"

Ciel stares out the window annoyed.

The carriage stops, Sebastian, Grell, and Ciel got out. Ciel was wearing a different outfit then he's used to while Sebastian was wearing his normal butler's outfit. Grell helped Madam Red out of the carriage, Ciel then helped Alice out.

"So Alice will be my niece visiting from the country, Sebastian will be her butler, and Ciel will be her fiancé" Madam Red told them

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"So Alice will be my niece visiting from the country, Sebastian will be her butler, and Ciel will be her fiancé" Madam Red told them

"Why can't you just say I'm your nephew?! Why do I have to be her fiancé?!" Ciel shouts, blushing madly

"oh come on" Alice jumps on him, hugging him tightly "aren't you happy to be my fiancé, it's absolutely perfect and we fit so nicely"

"will you get off me! Stop jumping on me all the time!" Ciel shouts

"now now young master that's not how a gentleman should act" Sebastian lectures

"now that i think of it" Alice turns to Madam Red "Madam Red why am I your niece?"

"bipolar" Ciel mumbles

"Because Alice darling I've always wanted a girl" Madam Red fauns "but I got this nephew instead and not a niece"

"Excuse me! This is absolutely ridiculous!" Ciel interrupts "their's no reason I should be her fiancé!"

"You don't want them knowing you're a Phantomhive now do you?" Madam Red questions

"ugh... no" Ciel replies

"I've heard Lord Druitt has an eye for any pretty little thing in a skirt, and we do want to catch his eye right?" Madam Red asks "So make sure you flaunt your fiancé around"

"But she's not really my fiancé" Ciel complains

"By any means necessary" Sebastian recites "You do remember saying that, do you not sir? First things first, we need to locate this murderous Viscount"

Ciel growls in annoyance

"I'll be by your side at all times my Lord" Sebastian reassures him then turns to Alice "so you need not worry either my lady"

"I'm not worried" Alice smiles "I'm completely capable of handling myself"

"now children, let's go" Madam Red led them inside "remember to make sure it looks real"

Ciel sighs and holds his arm out to Alice "alright.. only for tonight though!"

"whatever you say" Alice giggles and links her arm with his "my fiancé~"

"don't push it" Ciel growls

"Lord Druitt looks as gorgeous as ever tonight! His hair shines like the sun"

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