Chapter 5

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The rain started pouring down almost instantly. Sebastian took off his coat and put it over Ciel's head.

Ciel looked at him "Wha-"

"It's so that your bodies won't become so cold. When we return to the mansion, I'll prepare some hot milk for the two of you, I'll add honey or brandy to sweeten it" Sebastian says with a smile

Sebastian and Grell start fighting.

"I want to fight" Alice complains

"no" Ciel pushes her behind him

"You're no fun" Alice whines

Ciel looks at Madam Red "why..."

"Why? You're asking me now, how do you expect me to answer?" Madam Red questions "You and I have become guard dog and sinner. If you weren't a guard dog of this place, and became the hunted one instead" Madam Red takes out a knife ""THEN THERE WOULD ONLY BE ONE PATH FOR YOU" she charges at them

Ciel quickly pushes Alice and went to dodge, but he got cut on the arm. He makes a noise of pain and holds his arm.

"Ciel" Alice says worriedly

"Madam! As a doctor, why did you have to murder people?!" Ciel shouts angrily

"EVEN IF I TOLD A LITTLE BRAT LIKE YOU, YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND! YOU WOULD NEVER UNDERSTAND!" Madam Red puts her hand around Ciel's throat and holds him against the wall choking him "YOU WOULD NEVER UNDERSTAND!"

"You... You.." Madam Red raises her knife "IF YOU HAD NOT BEEN BORN, THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN THE BEST" She goes to stab him and Ciel's eyes fill with fear

"No you don't" Alice kicked Madam Red in the stomach, sending her to the ground

"Wait no!" Ciel shouts "Alice don't kill her!"

Alice turns and looks at him "don't kill her?! Would you rather die inste-" Madam Red stabs her in the back "Ah!" Alice falls forward

"Alice!" Ciel catches her

Madam Red stared at them from the ground "I... I didn't mean.. I was.. but I.."

"Alice hang on" Ciel stares as the blood soaking her dress

"I'm not dying" Alice mumbles as she holds onto his shirt

"Madam Red!" Grell shouts "Kill those little brats already!"

"Can't.." Is all Madam Red replies

"eh?" Grell questions

"I really can't do it.." Madam Red starts crying "I can't kill these children"

"You're saying this now?" Grell asks "After killing so many women? If you don't kill them it'll be your turn to be killed!"

"But.." Madam Red looks at the two  "This boy is my-"

Grell plunged his chainsaw scythe into her heart "How disappointing Madam Red" he pulled it back out, killing her "I am no longer interested in an ordinary woman like you"

Ciel watches in horror as his aunt fell to the ground covered in her own blood.

"I am not interested in the you who got carried away by meaningless emotions, I helped you create alibis, just for you i broke the rules of the death gods and even helped you kill those women not in the death list. You have disappointed me, in the end you are no different from the ordinary women! you are not fit to wear red" Grell takes off madam red's coat and puts it on "the curtains of this cheap theatre act of your life falls now, goodbye madame"

Grell starts to walk away, Ciel stares down at Madam Red. Alice lets go of Ciel and stands up.

"Well demon butler" Alice takes off her coat "you were ordered by your master to catch Jack the Ripper.. are you going to help me?"

"So it's your turn to enter the fighting rink as well?" Sebastian questions

"of course" Alice smirks "I was ordered by the Queen to go after Jack the Ripper. So by order of the queen" she looks at Grell "I will exterminate you"

Alice runs at him and Grell turns to look at her.

"What do you think you're going to do little girl?" Grell taunts

Alice lifts her hand "O flames, invoke an inferno and engulf my enemies! Globus Flau!" a ball of flame appears in her hand

"What?! An incantation!" Grell shouts

The fireball shoots out and Grell dodges, she keeps throwing more and Grell keeps jumping away until Alice stops.

Grell stares at her "You... you're not a human are you"

"oh look you figured it out" Alice clapped sarcastically with a smile on her face

"I'm not that incompetent!" Grell shouts

"Are you sure?" Alice questions "could've fooled me"

"hey focus will you!" Ciel shouts at her

Alice one again aims her hand at Grell "Thunder sprites, pay heed, and strike with your electric shock!"

A bolt of purple lighting is sent quickly at Grell.

"ha you think that will harm meee- AHH" Grell is struck with the lightning and falls to the ground, paralyzed

Alice laughs "I can't believe you didn't dodge that, how stupid are you"

"h-hey I can't move" Grell says

"of course not" Ciel turns to them "that's one of her moves, Shock Bolt, it strikes you with lightning and paralyzes you"

"hmph" Alice smirks

"Sebastian, end this" Ciel orders

Before Sebastian could move a man with glasses appeared on top of a nearby building.

"Sorry to interrupt" the man says "I am William T. Spears of the Dispatch Management Division of the Death Gods. I am here to pick up this Death God"

"William" Grell says happily "William you are here to save me!"

The man William jumps down and lands on top of Grell's head, he looks at Sebastian "This thing have caused you a lot of trouble this time round. Sorry."

William grabbed Grell by the hair and pulled him away, out of sight.

Sebastian walked over to Ciel who was sitting by Madam Red now "My apologies, I allowed the other one to escape"

"forget it. It's not... important anymore" Ciel says sadly staring down at Madam Red

"...I'm sorry to interrupt but.. can Sebastian please pull he knife out of my back!" Alice shouts

Sebastian turns to her "yes I can" he walks over and places his hand on her back "this might hurt a bit, it looks like she stabbed it right between.. them"

"I know so please pull it out already" Alice begs

"very well" Sebastian takes the knife and pulls it out as fast as he could

"Ah!" Alice falls to the ground from pain "ow... ok that's better"

"let's get you taken care of" Ciel walks over to her and picks her up bridal style

Alice blushes "this is certainly out of character for you"

"oh shut it" Ciel sighs "it was my fault you got hurt, I'm just repaying my debt"

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