Chapter 2

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Major upspree today, enjoy :D


"get serious" Ciel says annoyed

"Well first of all we look at the necessary skill set, crossing out anyone out with an alibi for the nights on which the crimes occurred" Alice places her head on her hand "Removal of the organs would suggest some kind of gruesome ritual. We should concentrate our investigation on people involved with secret societies"

Madam Red shakes her head confused "As if that narrows the field? Why even I would have the medical skills necessary for this. Besides which, the season is ending soon. Any doctors who follow the nobles to the city will be returning to the country and then-"

"So we'll have to conclude the investigation quickly" Ciel interrupts "right Sebastian"

"of course my lord" Sebastian replies "I should be able to do this much at least, otherwise what kind of butler would I be? I'll make up a list of viable suspect and begin questioning then for you immediately my lords. Now if you would excuse me"

Sebastian opens the carriage door and steps out.

"He knows that we're moving right?!" Madam Red shouts

"Sebastian will take care of it for now. We can head home and have a cup of tea while we wait" Ciel tells her

"yay!" Alice cheers happily

Ciel sighs "I don't know how much of you I'll be able to take"

"aw don't be mean" Alice laughs and hugs him tightly

"ah!" Ciel shouts "don't hug me!"

"but your skin's so soft and your so comfy" Alice rubs her head against him

"will you cut that out!" Ciel blushes

Madam Red and Lau stare at the two curiously. After a while of this they finally returned to the townhouse, they stepped out of the carriage and walked into the mansion.

Sebastian already stood there waiting "Welcome back everyone. I have awaited your return. The afternoon tea is ready for you in the drawing room."

"Hold on. How are you here?" Madam Red questions

"I finished up my little errand so I made my way home to edify you" Sebastian replies

"You made the suspect list already?" Madam Red asks

"Well. Yes I made a list of names based on what we discussed, and then I contacted them all and asked them the relevant questions" Sebastian answers

Madam Red shook her head "Come now Sebastian, that's impossible even for you"

Sebastian took out a list " Richard Oswald, doctor of the Duke of Bailey was at the White Horse pub with his friends, he has no connection to secret societies, Madam Heavitt, surgeon at the Royal London Central Hospital was at the Stipple inn, she has no connections to secret societies. William Somerset, doctor to Earl Chambers was at a party hosted by Viscount Harwood... From this information, I have narrowed down our list to one possible suspect."

"Are you certain you're just a butler? Not a secret military intelligence officer?" Madam Red questions

"See, my lady. I am simply one hell of a butler." Sebastian replies "Now the Viscount Druitt. Also known as Alester Chambers. He graduated from medical school but has never gone into practice. Lately he's thrown several parties at his home. But behind the scenes of these same soirees are secret gatherings that only his intimates may attend." 

"I've heard he's into black magic and those occult sorts of things" Madam Red says

"So your suspicion is that he's holding these parties to perform ritualistic sacrifices of local prostitutes" Lau suggests

"Tonight is the last party of the season. Which means this, is our last chance" Ciel says "just how do we get in though"

"Well... their's always Alice" Madam Red says turning to her

"what about me?" Alice asks confused

Madam Red smirks "leave it to me"

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