Chapter 28

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"Thank you for the help Mey-Rin" Alice smiles to the maid

"Of course milady" Mey-Rin looks happy "It is my job to help you, you look absolutely beautiful"

"thank you" Alice blushes

A couple months had passed since Alice moved into the Phantomhive Manor. Ciel's study was now organized so that his company's papers were on one side of the room and Alice's was on the other side. Ciel had even made renovations in his room so that Alice's clothes and things could move in.

Sebastian took care of helping Ciel in the morning while Mey-Rin would take care of Alice. A week ago Ciel and Sebastian had left to take care of a murder, Alice did not go because she was not needed. Alice is still the Queen's assassin, she doesn't solve cases.

Alice walks outside to the garden.

"L-Lady Alice!" she heard Finny shout in fear

Alice walks through the bushes until she saw Finny running towards her, he quickly hides behind her in fear.

"Finny, what's wrong?" She asks

Finny shakes behind her "B-B-B-"

"what?" Alice looks worried

She heard a roar and turns to see Betty, Beast's tiger, running out of the bushes.

"Oh, was Betty chasing you again?" Alice giggles "she's just playing"

"Again" Finny whines "I thought she was gonna eat me"

"of course not" Alice walks over and pets Betty "Betty's just the cutest and best girl" Alice and Betty touch noses "isn't that right girl"

Betty roars happily in response.

"I see" Finny sweat drops then smiles

Alice pets Betty with a smile on her face, since Beast was dead Alice decided to keep Betty. Alice had begged Ciel to let her keep the tiger as a pet, and he was surprisingly easy to convince. Everyone in the manor thought he was crazy for allowing such a thing, but Ciel's only defense was that he couldn't say no to his fiancé.

Sebastian was happy to volunteer to help take care of Betty as well, which was no surprise at all to Ciel. So here Betty was, living in the Phantomhive manor garden. Betty wouldn't pay any mind to Finny who took care of the garden but at times she wanted to play with him so she would chase him, scaring the poor boy.

Ciel didn't mind letting Alice keep Betty as a pet cause it kept his fiance happy. Besides, it's a tiger for crying out loud, if their was any intruders Better could bite their heads off easily. Having Betty in the garden was just another defense added to the manor.

Alice walked inside the manor and sighed. It was boring without having Ciel around, she would have to stare at a portrait of him instead of actually him. Yep she was still a bit creepy, but her husband to be liked her that way, he was probably a bit crazy too.

"Alice we're back!"

Alice smiles "Ciel's home"

She stands up and walks to the main room where there was a bunch of snakes.

"huh!?!" Alice jumps in surprise "w-what"

"It seems Harlequin is here" she hears from besides her "says Oscar"

Alice turns to see Snake "Snake! What are you doing here?!" she looks at Ciel "What is he doing here?!"

"He is our new footman" Ciel replies calmly as Sebastian helps take off his coat, he turns to Snake "Snake, Harlequin is my fiancé, Alice Trancy"

"hello" Snake greets

"I got a pet tiger and now I got snakes too" Alice squeals "this is so awesome"

"I'm glad you're happy" Ciel smiles and pets her head

"I have missed her, says Emily" Snake speaks and points to his snakes "they all have"

"I see" Alice smiles "I have missed them as well"

"Do all angels get along with animals?" Ciel questions

"Most of us do" Alice sweat drops and mumbles "unless your Genma"

"Genma?" Ciel looks at her "who's that?"

"One of the archangels" Alice tells him "he doesn't like anything dirty or unclean, he's a germaphobe, so he doesn't really like animals"

"hm" Sebastian smirks "sounds like him"

"I'm never going to understand what you two are talking about" Ciel sighs

Alice giggles and hugs him "welcome home, darling"

Ciel blushes "y-yeah"

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