Episode 1

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(A/n: Hey! So, this is the author from the future. I just want to warn you to please read the description for the trigger warnings. I'm sorry that I didn't put this before.)

Katsuki's P.O.V

I wake up to sound of my noisy alarm clock blaring, forcing me to sit myself up from my peaceful sleep. A sleep where ,for once, I felt no pain. A sleep where I could escape and be free from reality. A sleep where I wouldn't be beaten to a bloody pulp whenever I peeped. A sleep where I could forget about what was happening in my life. It's what I think the perfect heaven would be, but I'll never truly know. When I'm finally released from this hell of a world, I'll only be brought back into another one of never ending suffering. I guess it is my fault though really. I'm exactly what everybody says I am.


"Red eyed freak"


"I bet your father killed him self on purpose. I mean, I know I would if I had an anger issues freak for a son"


Damn, that last one really stings. They're right though. I guess it's gotten easier after hearing it countless times from everyone. Family and friends. But it doesn't mean it doesn't leave a small scar in my heart.

I break my chain of thought before it goes somewhere worse than it already has. I glance back at the once number one hero ,all might, themed alarm clock. It was 8:20 am. 'Damn it, I'm gonna be late'

I tip-toe to my wardrobe as to not make any noise. I grab the wooden spherical handle and pull it open. I find out my white, button-up, long sleeved shirt amongst the many hoodies I own. I take of my shirt and slip on the white button-up, purposely leaving a few of the top ones undone. I pull my collar out so it's not bent. I put my grey blazer on. My hands raise to scruff up my blonde hair.

I walk out of my room and creep to the bathroom. I wash my face and look at the cabinet. I shake my head as if resetting my thoughts and look back at the sink. I'm leaning on it and staring down at the cream colored bowl. My sleeves ride up slightly and I can see the many, many scars that are piled up on top of each other, as well as some bright red, thin lines. I can also see the purple bruises that cover my arm from yesterday's beating. That was one of the weakest ones I had gotten in a while. She never really takes mercy on me. Although she does stop whenever she has, or thinks she has, drawn blood. I think that's because it's harder to cover and she really doesn't want to get caught. I reach over and open up the cupboard door that was underneath the sink, and take out a small, black coloured envelope that contains 3 small blades. I put it in one of my blazers inside pockets and zip it up. Then I turn around and exit the room.

I make my way down the stairs and carefully open the door. I'm now outside and I let out a sigh. After a minute, I hear the door to my mothers room slam open and shut. I get terrified and start running towards the school. However, I just realized, I had forgotten my bag. There was NO way I was going back in there with my mom up. I would just have to deal with whatever punishment I get at school and at home.

I continue to run to the school, and once it was in sight, I slow down and continue at a walking pace.

I enter the school doors and go down the hallway until I reach the humongous doors that has '1-A' plastered on it in red text. I swing the doors open and head to my seat in front of Deku. I sit down and cross my arms on the table and rest my head in them. Then I feel a tapping on my shoulder, and a familiar voice. So I take a small breath, put on my mean face, and look up at the person. It was Kirishima.

"Hey Bakubro! You good mate?"

"What do you want dumb hair?"

"My names Kirishima! And my hairs not that different from yours!"

"Yeah, yeah whatever"

"So, the Bakusquad and the Dekusquad are getting together to have a sleepover in my dorm, you wanna come?"

I think about that for a second. I haven't been allowed to get my own dorm room because my mom doesn't want to get rid of her punching bag. So, I know I obviously can't go. Now I have to tell him.

"Why on earth would I want to go some grade 0 sleepover?"

"So is that a no?"

He said that with a hurt look on his face. You can always read him like a book. He always wears his heart on his sleeve and his emotions are shown clear as day on his face.

"Of course it's a no, moron!"

"Right, what was I thinking," he said with a small chuckle, "sorry bro, I'll leave you alone now."

As he turned away I slammed my head down on the desk quietly a few times. I knew I had to punish myself for making a friend sad, so I'd do it at lunch.

Aizawa walked in and stood at the front.

"Good morning class, today is going to be independent study. Go learn whatever, as long as you're actually doing something." He said while doing a shooing motion With his hands, like you do to a bunch of pigeons.

He walked behind the desk and slumped down into his yellow, puffy sleeping bag, and fell asleep. You must wonder how much sleep he gets at night. I mean, it must be hard considering he has Mic for a husband. So actually, I'm not too surprised he's tired.

After 2 hours, the bell rang saying to go to our next class.

Word count: 1000. I hope you liked the first episode! If you have any feedback then please let me know! I wanna make this story enjoyable. Have a great day/night! Bye!•

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