Episode 26

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Katsuki's P.O.V

I grab some clothes from my wardrobe and leave the room, ignoring Kirishima

I go to the bathroom and get changed there, since I finished I left and went back to my room and found him on my bed scrolling through TikTok. I clear my throat to let him know I'm here and he looks up and puts his phone away.


"Hi" I said while walking to the bed and sitting down next to him.

"So, how come you gave me a hug earlier?" He said with this massive smile on his face

"Don't" I replied, holding my head in my hands

"Haha but I will. Can I have another one?" He said while coming closer to me.

"No! Go away"

"Haha why not?"

"If it weren't for my mother I never would've, now go away"

"So, all I need to do to get a hug from you is to get your mom there?"

"Good Luck getting me in the same room as her when I don't need to be, if you manage that, then sure. I'll give you a hug."

"Why wouldn't you want to be in the same room as your mom?"

"That doesn't matter."

"Are you sure?' god, he can be annoying sometimes.

"Yes. I'm sure."

"Okay, man!"

There was silence for a while. Neither of us knowing what to do until he asks that very question.

"So, what can we do? Do you have any video or board games or something?"


"So what can we do?"


"What do you mean?"

"I mean there's nothing here for us to do. The only things are to go for a walk, which we cant do because its too dark, or talk. Of course we could go downstairs but its..." I take a second to look at my phone, "... 10 o'clock. So I wouldn't recommend it."

"Why can't we go downstairs?"

"I didn't say we can't, just said I don't recommend it."

"Yknow, you haven't shouted the whole time I've been here"

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I ask while giving him a side-eye.

"Nothing, just not really used to it is all"

"Would you rather me shout?"

"No, it's nice seeing you calm"


"Omg! The great katsuki Bakugo thanking me??? What a sight!" He half-shouted.

"Shh, keep your voice down."

"Sorry, is your mom asleep or something?"

"No, just don't be so loud."

Mine and kirishima's phone started going off at the same time, I checked it first while putting it on silent and I noticed it was the groupchat calling. I declined but kirishima accepted. There was Ashido, kaminari, and sero on there already but jirou was still pinging.

He held up the phone to get me in shot too and said,

"Hey guys. I'm here with Bakugo."

"You sound like a YouTuber" I said

"Who says I'm not one?" He looked at me

"Just kidding, I'm not. I wish though. If I wasn't trying to be a hero, I'd go with YouTube."

"Are you two hanging out?" Ashido

"Not by my choice" I said back

"Our moms know each other from work and now I'm staying over" kirishima said

"I'm surprised he let you"

"Same to be honest"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and when the door swung open my mom was standing there waiting for me to come out of the room.

I look at kirishima and say, "I'll be right back"

He gives me a little nod and I leave, closing the door behind me.

"That friend of yours needs to shut up before you get the repercussions. Got that?"

"Yes, mother"

She turned around with a heavy stomp and walked down the stairs while I was left in front of my door. It felt like I was going to have a panic attack. But what do I do if I do have one while he's here? That would not be good.

Anyway, I went back into the room and he was still on call to them telling them about when I hugged him.

"Shut up"


"You need to be quieter."

"Oh, sorry dude. Was I upsetting your mom or something?" He said while noticeably lowering his voice.

"You could say that"

"Okay, is this a better volume?"

"Yeah, thanks"

"No problem" he said giving me a grin

"Hey guys, im gonna hang up"

"Okay, bye Kiri and Baku!"

Then the rest of the groupchat flooded their goodbyes and he finally hung up.

I heard the same footsteps stomping up the stairs and my breath quickened but not enough for kirishima to tell.

I heard the knocking at my door and excused myself once again.

I opened the door and she said that she's going to bed and that we need to be silent. Then she walked away before I could say anything else.

I walked back in, my breath slow, and told him hat my moms going to bed and we need to be silent.


"Do you want to get changed?" I asked

"But I don't have any clothes?"

I walked over to my draws and threw a hoodie and a pair of joggers at him

"Oh, thank you" He said, trying to hushed and had a smile on his face.

"You can get changed in here, I'll leave. Just open the door once your done." I said

I left as soon as I said that and he got changed. Less than 3 minutes later he opened the door and I walked in.

"Sooo, you and todo?" He was trying to make conversation apparently.


"As innn, do you like him?"

"What? No."

"Mhmm, sure you don't. I've seen the way you look at each other. Or rather the way he looks at you and you act oblivious and shout at him. Then later i see you doing the same thing."

"What the hell are you talking about? Just how often do you stare at us? Jeez."

"I know more than you think"

'What is this idiot implying?' Was all I could think.

•Word Count:1013•

•omg 😍 would you look at that? An update! After 3 months? Yes. But an update non the less. All that aside, I'm genuinely sorry. I could give you a million excuses but I'm not going to. Just know it's been a hectic year and hopefully can't get much worse than the situation right now. You'd hope that now I've updated I'd keep that schedule but it's already been shown I can't promise anything so I'm sorry. Bye!!! I might see you next week?•

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