Episode 13

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Katsuki's P.O.V

I stopped him a few doors down so he wouldn't get seen by my 'mom'.

"Thanks for... coming with me"

"Of course"

So with that, I let go of his hand and he turned away to go back to his.

Once he was out of sight, I sighed and went back to walking to get to my actual house. It didn't take long, but every step I was dreading. Did I do anything wrong today? Who am I kidding, she'd beat me up just the same even if I didn't do something wrong.

When I get to my front door I take a deep breath and open the lock then walk in. I see my mom on the sofa with a bottle of beer in her hand that's had the label ripped of. She turned her head to face me and I stared back at her before saying,

"Good afternoon mom"

"Tch, shut up, moron," she said as she got out a pack of cigarettes and started smoking one.

I looked in disbelief as she didn't make a move to stand up towards me. I took it as a blessing and walked up the stairs so I didn't compromise the mood my mother was in.

I went through the hall to my room and took a deep breath as I stood in the door. I was so damn glad that she didn't hit me. How did I get away with it? What did I do? I'll just take this as a blessing.

I went to my wardrobe and got one of my hoodies and a pair of joggers. Then I started to get changed and after I went back to my bed and sat down. I see one of my books and I pick it up, I've read like a chapter or something. It's good, but I need to read more to actually understand what's going on.

After a few hours, I put the book down and I feel exhausted. I wanna sleep but I know I can't. I'll either wreck my sleeping schedule or I'll have a nightmare, or both. So, to keep myself distracted I pick up my phone and go on Instagram. I realise that I have 9+ messages from a group chat of 1-A that I put on mute. I sigh inaudibly and click on the chat and start reading the messages.

Bold- text

Deku: hey guys?

Iida: yes Midoriya?

Deku: have you seen on the news about the increased villain activity?

I didn't know that there was increased villain activity, then again I'm not aloud to watch the Tele anymore.

Kirishima: yeah! It's pretty scary

Denki: ikr especially since it's quite close to ua

Uraraka: what do you think the schools gonna do about it?

Shoji: they're probably going to want to keep students under surveillance, since what happened at kamino

Hagakure: so everyone's probably going to have to move into the dorms?

Iida: that would be most likely

Denki: Bakugos the only one in our class who's not in a dorm right?

Yaomomo: yes, he is

Tsu: Bakugo?

Bakugo: what, frog face?

Tsu: why haven't you moved into a dorm?

Mina: we've already asked, he won't tell us

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