Episode 7

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Katsuki's P.O.V

After the song had finished I could hear silence, which is very unusual. I look back to them after staring out the window. I saw the so called 'Bakusquad' just gaping at me. I felt some anxiety inside me rise, so I quickly bite at them,

"The hell you extras lookin at!?"

Raccoon eyes spoke up before the rest.

"You were humming along to the song you were listening to!"

Damn it, was I?

Before I got the chance to speak, she started talking again.

"It was so adorable! All your anger was just, POOF! gone! And you were humming along so sweetly!"


"Well, you being calm didn't last last long..." she mumbled, thinking I wouldn't hear her.


"Relax Bakubro!" That box dye idiot said.


"Aaaannnnnywaaayyyy~" Dunce face said.

"What song is it that you were listening to anyway?" Pinky asked.

"Non ya business pinky"





"Please?" Now dunce face joined in.


"Please?" Now it was dunce  face, pinky and soy sauce. I swear, if dumb hair joins in I'm leaving.


"Pleaaaaaaase?" Ok, I'm leaving.

"I'm not dealing with you morons anymore, I'm leaving"

I got up from my seat and pinky seemed to think it would be a good idea to take my phone.

"Ha!" She screamed with victory lacing her voice.

"Damn you pinky! Gimme my phone back!"

She unplugged my headphones and since my phone was unlocked, she could just rewind to the last played song. I tried getting it back but that idiot Kaminari held my hands back so I couldn't. I started thrashing around, trying to get away as I felt my anxiety hit its peak. Kaminari holding my hands so I couldn't move them reminded me too much of the villains. I started moving around quicker, desperate to get away. I was so close until he quickly reset his hands so that he had a better grip. By then, pinky had turned the volume up on my phone so the whole class could hear the song. Most of them had already been paying attention to the conversation for what I'm guessing had been a while. She pressed the rewind button and soon enough, the words started playing.

"Just as I was about to take my shoes,
Off of the rooftop there I see,
A girl with braided hair there before me,
Despite myself I go and scream,
Hey, don't do it, please"

Then the long intro to the verse started. Denki had now let go of me and I ran over to Mina and grabbed phone and left the room, holding back my tears. I could hear Mina and the others shouting for me to slow down and them running towards me.

I bolted straight to the boys bathroom and quickly locked the door. My breathing started getting heavier and soon enough I heard pounding on the door from the extras. I wasn't expecting it and seeing how sudden it was, my breathing got even heavier. It's not like it was the end of the world, it was just a damn song and I could've easily played it of, I'm sure. But no, I just had to go and overreact and have a damn panic attack with my friends right outside the door. AGH! I hate myself so much!

I start pacing around the room, trying to distract myself from the distant pounding on the door and trying to compose myself enough to unlock the door and play everything off.

After 5-10 minutes, my breathing slowed down and was almost normal, but it wasn't so bad that people would be able to detect the difference unless really looking for it. The group was still knocking on the door, asking to be let in. I turned to the mirror and quickly double checked to see if my eyes were red (well I mean, they are, but that's not what I meant). I decided that it was ok and walked over to the door. I felt a bit nervous but unlocked the door anyway. I immediately felt a pile of arms link around me and pulling me into the hug. I loved the hug and wanted to relax into it but decided against it since it was so out of the blue. I made an explosion but not so it would hurt anyone, just so they'd get the message to back off.

"What the hell!? Why on earth did you hug me!?" I shouted

"We could hear your heavy breathing, what wrong?"

"Nothing dumb hair!"

As soon as I said that, I left, hoping they wouldn't follow me. I soon got far enough away and since I didn't think the caterpillar would wake up before the end of the day, I just left to the dorms.

Kirishima's P.O.V

I'm starting to get really worried for Bakugo. I mean, he's getting involved with class less, he getting quieter, he's zoning out more and the fact that he just ran away into a bathroom, locked the door and all of us could hear heavy breathing coming from inside isn't very promising. I don't know where he is now, he just left without really saying anything. I turn to the others and say,

"We're gonna need to keep a close eye on him"

"Yep" they all responded.

"Will he even let us get close to him though?" Sero asked

"Probably not" Mina replied

"We'll just have to watch from a distance" Kami said back

"Hopefully that'll work" I said

"We'll see, but I really hope so" Mina said back.

We started making our way back to class, all of us was silent. Not a word has been said since we started walking. I think all of us were silently hoping that Bakugo would be in class so we could physically see that he was ok. Although, I think all of us were just trying to calm our own nerves.

•Word Count: 1000•

•Heyooo! So, sorry that this is late, but me being stupid didn't decide to start writing this until yesterday which is when I see my stepsister and I don't like to write then, so I was going to wait to write it till night but we ended up staying up till like 5 in the morning. BUT, it's up now and hopefully you all liked it. Bye! 😊

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