Episode 10

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Katsuki's P.O.V

I'm woken up by my alarm shouting at me to get up. I groan and turn it off. I rub my eyes with the palm of my hand and uncover myself with the duvet and stand up while stretching. I think back to the video call yesterday and what they heard. They were most likely going to confront me today. Asking stupid questions such as, 'what was that bakugo?', 'What happened?', 'You alright?' Or something else. Oh well, I'll figure it out when/if it happens.

I make my way to the wardrobe and open it, getting out a whit-button up and my blazer. I purposefully leave the tie there. I walk to the bathroom and get changed.

After that, I look in the cupboard under the sink and get out the black envelope. I open it and take out the sharpest blade. I cut 10 times on my left arm, and five on the other. I then go back to looking in cupboard and find some bandages. I apply while putting pressure on the cuts to stop them from bleeding. Once done, I leave the room and get my bag from my bedroom. Then, I go downstairs and leave house, setting of to U.A.

I'm around a minute away from U.A so I put my scowl on and mentally prepare myself for the day. I walk into the school and make my way to the massive doors of 1-A. I walk in and see my friends around my desk. I walk over, dreading what they are going to say.

Once I get to my desk, I tell them all to move and I sit down. I just sit facing forward but I can still see them out of the corner of my eye. They're all giving me pitying looks and it annoying me. Each one of them looks like they won't to say something but we're too afraid to.

"Right, out with it" I say, turning my head to face them.

"Huh?" Dumb hair asks

"It's painfully clear that you all want to say something, so out with it"

"It's just... what happened last night, on the call?" Pika-pika asks

"Relax, it wasn't anything important, idiots"

"It didn't sound like nothing" Mina said, putting on a serious voice

"Are you hurt?" Tape face questioned


"How do we know that?" Kirishima queried

I turn around to fully face them, truth is, I really didn't get hurt last night.

"Does it look like I'm hurt?"

"Not especially..." Denki said, going quieter at then end


"Who was that though? We could hear punching and stumbling and then it just stopped"

"My mom went to the pub with a few friends last night, guess she got hammered"

"Is she ok?" Sero asked, I think genuinely concerned

"Yeah, still passed out on the sofa I imagine"

Before anyone could respond to that the bell went and a certain caterpillar slithered into the room, telling everyone to go to their seats and to listen, then surprisingly got up to teach.

About three hours later the bell went, telling us it was lunch time. Honestly, if you asked me what was going on or what we learned about, I wouldn't be able to tell you.

Aizawa ushered everyone out the classroom, me included and slipped back into this yellow sleeping bag. I slowed down so I was towards the back of the crowd and the left to go to the bathroom.

Once there, I checked to see if anyone was in the stalls. After I knew it was clear I locked the door and got my blades from my bag. I lifted up my sleeve and put the cold metal to my skin. 10 for hurting Sero's feelings, 10 for making my 'friends' worry about me, and a further 5 for being a burden.

After I was done, I cleaned up my arm and all the loose blood that had made its way into the sink. I checked to the time in my phone and saw that I still had ten minutes left of lunch. I sighed to myself and left the bathroom. I decided to go to the canteen and spend some time with the 'Bakusquad'.

I walk to the canteen and see my friends on a table chatting amongst themselves. I walk over to them and plop down on a seat next to Pikachu.

"Hey Baku!" Mina shouted

"Shut up, you're too loud"

"Nice of you, anyway, how come you've joined us today?" Denki asked

"I had extra time"

"What were you doing?" Tapey asked

"Non' ya business"


"Yeah, yeah"

They all left that topic and started to talk about nothing in particular. I just zoned out and then my eyes got caught on a specific icy-hot idiot. I knew I was staring at him, but I couldn't get the other day out of my head. How we were so close. How he said he would be there for me. How I wanted to hold his hand and hold him close.

I was brought out of my daydream by feeling a tap on my shoulder. I whipped my head around and put on a scowl that I had just noticed i had been lacking.

I see Pikachu is the one who tapped me and he had a sly smirk on his face.

"The hell is that face for?"

"You were making googly eyes at Todoroki~"


"Mhm!" Mina spoke up

"Shut the hell up!"

"Dont worry, We won't tell him!"

"I don't like that idiot!"

"We never said you did"

"You implied it!"

"Maybe so"

I let out a low growl and just turned away from them and they all let out a either a laugh or a chuckle.

"What is it now!?"

"You growled like a little dog!" Sero exclaimed, laughing

I just shook my head and turned away again, only to be met with the one and only, that moron, that idiot,


•Word Count:1000•

•Hello! Sorry this is late, it's six in the morning and I haven't slept 😂. I finished a seven hour game of monopoly like 15 minutes ago. Also, happy Mother's Day! Give your mum some love today and I hope they all have a wonderful day (unless they're mean). And Jirou head cannon, She's tried cutting her own hair with scissors but accidentally got her earphone jack? Anyway, bye!•

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