Episode 11

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Katsuki's P.O.V

Todoroki's just standing there with a stoic expression on his face.

"Hello" he said calmy

"The hell you want!?"

"Calm down Bakugo, I was just wondering if I could sit here, is all"

"How come Todobro?" Dumb hair asked

"Well, everyone was telling each other jokes on the other table so I decided to join in"

"Im not seeing the problem?" Denki said

"I made a joke about my mother and now it's really awkward over there"

"Pffft-, yeah, sure Todoroki! You can sit by Bakugo!" Dunce face said while laughing, but towards the end he turned to me with a smirk on his face and winked.

"The hell! Nuh-uh! No way! Sit by Raccoon eyes or just dwell in awkwardness back at your own table!"

By the time I had said that, it was too late and that half 'n half had already sat down beside me.

"What the hell! did you not hear what I just said!?"

"No, I did"

"Then why are you still sitting next to me!?"

"There's no space next to Ashido and I would definitely rather not go back to the other table"

To that, I let out a low growl and turned my head away from him. Of course, they let out a giggle at it.

"Oh shut up!"

"Isn't that the second time you've growled like a dog?" Coca Cola reject asked.

I turned by head back around to face him


"It is, right? I heard when I was walking over"

"Shut up!"

"Make me"

All the laughing in the table stopped and everyone looked at Todoroki, who was just staring at me, no emotion on his face whatsoever.

"Tch, whatever"

He shrugged and I looked away, it now being very quiet on the table

"It seems I left and awkward to table to come to another. Sorry"

"Don't worry bout it man!" Kirishima shouted, flashing his toothy smile.

"So... Todoroki, what joke did you make?" Pinky asked

"Are you sure?"

"Mhm! I wanna hear your sense of humour!"

"Well, they made a joke about a mother baking so I said 'I wish I had a mother that would bake cakes instead of my face'... I don't think they appreciated it"

I let out a little laugh to his 'joke'

They all turned to look at me with wide eyes, not believing that I could laugh, or something.

"Well, your mother definitely can't bake cakes now"

"Your mom probably tried to return you back to hell while you were still in the womb"

"Your mom probably heated up the water that burnt your face with fire from hell"

"She most likely didn't get fire from my fathers beard"

"No, cause your dad was too busy calling the mental hospital"

"Your father was too busy going out Modeling when you were born"

"Kill me"  •| TodoBaku |•Where stories live. Discover now