Episode 17

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Katsuki's P.O.V

Todoroki puts his hand out and I reluctantly take it, but when I'm up no I'm about to take my hand back he grips on harder and walks me to Aizawa to tell him where we're going. I sigh at him but still decide to comply.

"Hello, mr Aizawa?" Todoroki asked when we got to him

"What?" The caterpillar asked groggily

"Bakugo has been injured, so is it alright if I take him to recovery girl?"

"Yes that's fine, and I suspect that that's why you two are holding hands?"

"I guess, thank you Sensei"

"Yeah whatever, bye"

He started pulling me again and when we got out of sight from our classmates he intertwined our fingers and kissed my hand. I was about to yell at him saying that we're still in school, but he beat me to it.

"No ones here, Bakugo. Is it ok if I do that?"

"Katsuki" I said without thinking. I don't even know what I meant by that. Seriously. Why did I say it?

"Huh? Katsuki?" He looked at me very confused and I had to compress a small smile. It felt nice or right him saying my real name. I got brought back to my senses when he dropped my hand.

"Call me Katsuki"

"Oh, that's what you meant"

I panicked (and I know this is a stupid reason) because of his tone. He sounded confused which made me think he was against it. "I mean, if you want to. I'm not forcing you or anything, not like I'd have a reason to. Just... Agh! Shut up!"... I really am an idiot.

I looked back up at him when I heard him chuckle, and oh my god, it was probably the sweetest thing I have ever heard.

"It's fine Katsuki, I'm glad that you're comfortable enough to let me call you by your given name. If you wish, you can call me Shoto"

"Tch, yeah, whatever"

"So, is it alright if I hold your hand?"

"Do whatever you want, Icyhot!" Why am i doing this?

"I want a clear yes or no, can I hold and kiss your hand Katsuki?"

"Why do you want a clear yes?"

"I want to make absolute sure that I have your consent"

"Fine! Yes! But it's just you holding my hand! Why do you need pure consent for that?"

"I just want to make sure I'm not pressuring you into anything that you possibly don't want. Anyway, what happened during the fight? How come you collapsed like that?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know!?"

"Well, I would've figured since it was your body that it happened to then you would at least know where it hurt"

"My back I guess"

"What happened to your back?"

"When I fell over, Idiot! Why else?"

"But it was like you hurled over in pain that made you slip which then caused you to hurt your back, so what happened for you to fall over? What pain were you feeling?"

"You must be imagining that! It didn't happen" Of course he wasn't going crazy and didn't need glasses unlike his friend four eyes.

"I think I know what I saw, Katsuki"

"And I think I know what I felt, Shoto"


It was silent while we kept walking to recovery girl's office. He grabbed my hand again but at this point I'm sorta used to it.

Once we got there, he turned me to look at him then kissed my head. I swear that bastard knows what he's doing. He made me go all red then laugh! Before I could say anything though, he started talking instead.

"I know you like to pretend that you don't need help, but trust me ok? And trust Recovery Girl"

"It's you who I wouldn't trust, not Recovery Girl"


We both laughed, although neither of us are quite expressive with our emotions so it was just a light chuckle from both of us. I looked up and apparently Icyhot was already looking at me because as soon as I looked up we locked eyes.

You know when it's silent but you're in a crowded place? The only thing you can focus on is the other persons eyes? How they seem to glisten in the light even though there might not be much of it around? It was sorta like that.

He let me go and cleared his throat and said that I should get better soon.

"You not coming?"

"Huh?" He asked, turning back around to face me.

"Nothin', doesn't matter" I turned around to open the door but I felt his hand tap on my back.

"You want me to stay with you?"

"What!? I never said that" Why the fuck have I got to be such a horrible liar?

"And you never said no either, so you're stuck with me" he sounded so proud (A/n course he's proud, he's gay) and even stuck a little goofy smile at the end. I'm sure it made it blush heavily, I still don't know why though.

Why does my heart beat quicker whenever I'm around him? why does seeing him smile always seem to fix my day no matter how shitty it's been? Why do I blush at him so easily? UGH! This is SO annoying!? Why can't I answer any of these questions!? I guess I'll just have to ask Kirishima later or something.

It's only then that I finally realise the hand waving up and down my face. I sarl unknowingly and see that it was Icyhot attempting to grab my attention.

"What!?" I didn't mean to snap at him.

"Relax, you were just staring off into space and it had already been 5 minutes without you moving"

"Oh... right."

"Should we go in then?" He asked, nodding his head slightly to the door to Recovery Girls

"Yeah, sure"

We both walk in and she did us what's wrong. I say I hurt my back during training and then I felt an arm snake around me and start rubbing my back. I knew it was Tod-Shoto's because I do not think Recovery Girl would do that.

Though she did ask if I could take off my shirt

•Word Count-1041•


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