Episode 3

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Katsuki's P.O.V

I heard the bell ring and the noise shivered through my body. I then realise that I didn't punish myself for hurting Kirishima's feelings. Well, now I have to do it even more for letting that icy hot see me crying.

His words ring through my head as I walk back to class.
"If you ever want to talk, just let me know."
Nobody has ever offered to hear me complain before. It was sorta nice to know someone could care. Who am I kidding? It's probably just some game game that he and the 'Dekusquad' are playing.

I return to the class and sit down at my seat waiting for the lesson to begin. This lesson was English and we had present Mic teaching us. I didn't really like him, mainly because he was extremely loud. There has been multiple times where he's shocked me and my anxiety rises up, so then I have to go to the bathroom just to clear my head and calm myself down.

The loud male kicks the door open and screams
I suddenly look up, and I can feel the terror in my eyes. I put my head down in desk and take deep, but quiet breaths. Then I hear him say for everyone to get their notebooks out to write in. I reach down to where I usually keep my bag, but it wasn't there. I forgot that I had left it in the house this morning. So, I put my hand up and said that I had forgotten my book.
"Oh, well then sorry Bakugo but I'll have to ring your mom, and I'll give you a piece of paper for you to work on for today."
I nodded but I was absolutely petrified. He was going to call my mom. Im in for a world of pain when I get home.

•~Timeskip to after school~•

I was outside of my house, taking deep breaths, before I finally opened the gate, and walked through the door. My eyes wondered up at the person who I called my mother. She was waiting there for me.

She grabbed my ear and pulled me to the stairs and threw me on them so my back would hit the edge of the stairs. It hurt, but I could tell that this was gonna go on for a few hours at least. She kicked my head and stomped on my hands while yelling slurs at me. But I didn't dare cry. That would just make her even more angry. She picked me up by the hair and threw me into a table. She picked up an empty Budweiser bottle by the neck and smashed it off my head. She hurt me in various ways for hours, until she finally stopped. I felt so glad that I could start crying right there.
"Go clean up you brat!"
I nodded and walked up the stairs to the shower.

Before I started talking my clothes off, I unzipped the pocket and took the little black envelope out, and put it by the sink. I got undressed and turned the knob to the shower on. I got in and the hot water felt so harsh against the injuries I had just gotten. It hurt for a bit, but then I got used to it. It started to feel... refreshing? Once I had used the body wash and shampoo, I stepped out carefully and grabbed a towel, and put it dabbed my self with it. I started to scramble through the pile of clothes that I had gotten , before coming in the room, and scrambled looking for my t-shirt. I finally found and put it on, along with jogging bottoms I had grabbed. I quickly used the towel to dry my hair a little, then I pick up the little black envelope that was by the sink.

I stare at it for a while but then I finally open it. I take out the sharpest blade and put it against my skin. I breathe a few times before sliding the cold steel across my wrist. It stung. But then I remembered why I was doing it.

10 for hurting Kirishima's feelings


10 for letting Todoroki see me cry


10 for making everyone's life miserable


By the time there was 30 cuts, my arm was covered in a crimson coloured liquid. I stood there, completely mesmerised by the red blood that was tracing around the cuts. I soon snapped out of it and grabbed some toilet paper and applied some pressure. I held it there for a bit before looking in the cupboard for some bandages. I found some and wrapped it around my cuts.

I left the bathroom and went to the room my bed was in. I sat there for a while until I got a notification. I picked my phone up and looked at who has messaged me. It was Kirishima.

'Hey Bro!'

'What do you want, dumb hair!?'

'Just wanted to ask if you
wanted to come to a dorm
party next week!'


'Eh!? Why?'

'Because I don't want to!'

'Bro, you never hang out
with us anymore!'
'Is everything ok?'

I hesitated a bit before responding. Of course I wasn't ok! Wait, did I just admit that!?

'Of course everything's ok, moron!'
'Why wouldn't it be?'

'Then come to the party!'


'Why not?'

'And why the hell should I have to explain myself to you!?'

'Bakugo, I want you to trust me!
I want you to be able to tell me

'What's the point of saying or explaining
anything when there isn't anything to say!'

'Just, try to talk to me a
little more. Heck, it doesn't
even have to be me! Just...
try to confide in someone?'

I was so grateful for him, but I wouldn't EVER admit that to him.

'Just shut up you rock!'

'Was that supposed to be an
insult? Because that was just
a compliment!'

'Ugh, whatever'

'Just consider coming, ok?'

'Yeah, yeah, whatever'

'Night bro!'

'Whatever, 🙄'

I  put my phone down and got under my covers, making sure my alarm was on. I finally passed out into what I could've only hoped was dreamless sleep.

Word count:1,080!
Hey guys! Sorry this is late, I know it's like 11:25 pm. Anyway, the update schedule for this is every Saturday GMT time! Bye!•

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