Episode 9

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Katsuki's P.O.V

I opened my eyes only to be met the feeling of gawking eyes just staring at me, and a bar in the centre of my vision. I immediately recognised this place. It scared the hell outta me. I felt my eyes widen with panic and then, someone stepped inside my field of vision.

It was someone scratching at their neck, light blue hair, black hoodie, and hands all over their body. I then realised, it was that monster Shigaraki.

He walked closer and closer to me, I was now frantically shaking, attempting to get out of chair and handcuffs that kept me in it's grasps. I felt tears stinging my eyes and Shigaraki's mouth started moving. Although, I was panicking way too much to make out the words coming from his mouth.

So many questions flooded my head, such as,
•I can't believe that I was back here
•When did I  get here
•why was I back here
•how did I get back here
•What happened?

I was too busy thinking that I hadn't noticed even more people come into my vision. Also, I feel something wrap around my neck, securely. I look up, now seeing Mr. Decay right in front of me, his hand extended in the direction of my neck. That's when I realised.

I was going to die


I threw my head up, basting in sweat and my breathing erratic.

It was just a dream

I looked around to see what brought me out of my nightmare. My eyes wondered to my phone, it was ringing. I picked it up curiously, glancing at the time as well.

9:00 pm

I only slept for two and half to three hours.

I snap out of my thoughts and looked at who was calling me. I figured it was just a normal call. Not a video chat. I saw it was an Instagram call with the 'Bakusquad'. I accepted not thing much of it, and threw my phone down an asked,

"The hell you want!?"

"Bakugo! Come in frame!" I heard Dumb hair shout

I had no idea what he was on about.

"What you on about?"

"It a video call blasty!" Pinky retorted


"You didn't know?" Soy sauce asked while laughing, though I think it was more of a rhetorical question.

"Course I knew!"

"Commmeeee in fraaaame" Pikachu said


"Bakubae, the whole point of a video chat is to see each other's faces"

"Deal with it, 'm not getting in frame"


"Don't wanna, quite simple really"

"How nice of you" Kirishima said

"Yes, I know"

"Why don't you wanna show us your face?"

"Yeah, you lose a fight or something and don't want us to know?" Asked sou sauce, sarcastically.

"Quite stupid of you to think I would lose a fight"

The real reason I didn't want to be on camera is because I knew that my eyes would be red and puffy, also if I hadn't picked up then they would've kept spamming my phone till they got a response.

"Anyway, I'm booooooorrreeeddd" pinky complained, changing the subject

"Do what you want, I'm leaving"

"NOOOOOOOOO-" Before dunce face could finish, I hung up and got up to go to the bathroom.

Once I got there, I looked in my eyes in the mirror.

Eyes are puffy
Tear streaks across my cheeks
Hair drooped
I just look like a mess

I got some toilet paper and wet with water from the sink. Once it was damp, I turned the cold tap off, and dabbed my eyes with it. I got a brush from the cupboard and did my hair, although I didn't bother spiking it up so it looked even more depressed than before.

After I looked presentable(ish) I went back to my room and turned my phone on, joining back the video call.


"Shut up, it's like twenty to eleven"

"Oh well~" he replied, looking quite pleased with himself while leaning back in his chair.

Just then, his door swung open and revealed a very angry looking person, of who I could only assume to be his mom.


He looked quite worried and scratched his neck, replying with a meek smile on his face,


"Told ya idiot" I said to him, not expecting a response.

His mother just shook her head then left, as if use to it.

"Smart move, mate" Sero said

"Oh shut up"

"Do you do that often? It looked like she was sick of it happening?" Mina asked, laughing slightly

"What, wake everyone up at some stupid time because I'm screaming? Yes"

"Baku, that ever happen to you?" Pinky asked

"No, I ain't stupid enough to screech something at the top of my lungs in the middle of the night"

"Wait, why aren't you asleep? It's 10:50" kiri asked, dumbfounded

"I fell asleep earlier, 'm not tired"

Everyone nodded in understanding, then continued to talk about different topics.

The call had continued for at least a further 3-4 hours. Everyone still on the call, so damn hyperactive. It was now something past one in the morning and I heard the front door slam, startling me. It was also enough to catch the attention of my classmates.

"What was that Baku?"

I looked towards my door and heard stumbling, glass breaking, someone punching the walls. She was back.

I feel so scared but I don't show it. I know I should probably leave the call incase anything happens, but I don't. I continue listening outside the door and hear more stumbling, then it stops. I'm guessing she just collapsed on one of the sofas downstairs. After a few minutes and it was still silent, I let out a breath of relief and I looked back over to the screen. Mixed emotions showing on their faces.


Strangest thing of all though is that they were speechless.

"What was that Bakugo!?" Kiri whisper-shouted

"Nothing, now, I'm going to bed, and you all should too. It's almost two in the morning and we have school tomorrow. Bye" I said before hanging up.

When I did, my breathing became hesitant and silent tears slipped down my face. I let myself collapse down onto the pillows and turn around.

Tomorrow's not gonna be fun.

Word Count:1061•

•Soooo.... Sorry this is late! I'm now back at school so I don't have much time to actually write. Also, sorry this is off topic, but does anyone else need two covid tests a week? I know my friends that go to different schools have had one but I don't think they need two each week. Anyway, hope you liked this part, next one will be uploaded on Saturday! Bye!•

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