Episode 24

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Todoroki's P.O.V

The lesson finally finishes an hour and a half later. There's only one lesson left before the end of the day. Present Mic says goodbye and the next teacher comes into the classroom.

Ectoplasm walks in and wastes no time getting to work. I don't really like maths. It's tolerable but I can never pay attention to it for long before I realise that I've probably missed something crucial and have to ask Midoriya for notes later. It happens much more than anyone would realise but I usually zone out looking at the teacher so it can either come off as creepy or I'm paying attention. Depends really.

I then realise I've been zoned out again and Ectoplasm was just finishing the sentence.

"Make sure your paying attention and taking notes, this'll be on your test at the end of the year"


Katsuki's P.O.V

I don't mind maths. Ectoplasm is probably the most tolerable out of all the teachers. Except Aizawa. He's chill.

I've been taking notes but of course Deku has been taking more. Seriously, is he some kind of mind freak or something? How is he even able to write that fast?

I know a lot of people use him for notes and shit. Like Denki. And sometimes Todoroki which I was surprised by. Most of my idiots usually ask him for notes too. I think most the class do. Except those who just don't talk. Like koda and tokoyami.

Anyway, Ectoplasm is on about ratios and sharing them between a whole number and then moved on to algebra. Quite different topics.

I'm usually the one a lot of people ask to study with. Though Deku is like a tutor. He's better than me so I don't know why people don't go to him more often.

~•Time Skip•~
Aғᴛᴇʀ Sᴄʜᴏᴏʟ

I open my front door and go upstairs to my room and shrug my bag off of my shoulders. I know I have plenty of chores to do. Mom left a list. Like always. So I go downstairs and pick up the free piece of paper filled with stuff that needs to be done. I get to work on it almost immediately.

After a few hours, I finally finish. Then the door opens.

'Just in the Knick of time'

It's mom.

But somethings different.

She's smiling

And laughing.

Then she walks in through the door talking to a woman (quite young) with black hair and red eyes.

"Ah! Katsuki!" My mum shouted, "this is my friend from work!"

"Good evening, it's nice to meet you. My names Charlotte Kirishima! I have a son that goes to UA. You might know him, Eijiro Kirishima?"

"Likewise. My names Katsuki Bakugo. And you'd be correct, I do know him."

"Wonderful! He's with me today! He's just changing the tyre for our car. I'm useless at that type of stuff. He should be here any moment!"

"Oh, great!" I said and faked a smile. Is this why she wanted me to be extra thorough? Why I had to clean more than usual?

"Hey mom!"

He burst in through the door and walked towards my mother.

"Good evening Mrs Bakugo!" He said and held out a hand for a handshake. She surprisingly agreed to it.

"Hey bro!" He said and went in for a hug. Though I can't really deny him one. I'd just be forced to anyway.

He wrapped his arms around me and I returned it.


He moved away from me, looking shocked, scared, and happy all at one.

•Word Count: 592•

•HIIIIIII! ITS BEEN LIKE A MONTH!!!! :D IM SO HAPPY TO BE BACK! and yes, I know it's short but it's 11 o'clock at night and I have school. And I also promised it would be out today! So I hope you enjoyed! And I'm sorry it's been so long since I last updated. It'll be much more frequent now. Bye!!•

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