Episode 23

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Katsuki's P.O.V

I take a deep breath before going to turn over my wrists, but I stop myself. I bounce my legs trying to force myself to turn them over, I guess Kaminari noticed and he said I didn't have to if I didn't want to, that I can change my mind. But I want to let someone in. I want to. But this stupid mindset, this stupid reflex, this stupid situation is stopping me.

I look at the time on my phone.

12:24 pm

Alright, I have one chance. 12:25 I'll do it. Otherwise I know I'll regret it. I have one go, if I keep putting it off I'll hate myself even more.

I stare at the screen and within seconds, the last digit changes and I flip my wrists around, not giving myself time to think about it. Not giving myself time to even think of regretting it.

I look back at Denki who's staring at my wrists. I can see tears welling up in his eyes and soon enough they fall. It looks like he's trying to compose himself enough to speak. It hurts so much to see someone who's usually the happiest kid in the world... crying over me.

That's when it hit me.

I did this.

I made him cry

He was fine before I showed him

I shouldn't have done this

I've made the happiest person alive... cry


I keep thinking all negatives and eventually I start crying.

"I'm so sorry" I say to him

He looks up at me.

"What?" He asks

"I'm so, so sorry"

"Why are you sorry?"

"I made you cry. If I hadn't shown you then you wouldn't be crying."

"Bakugo, None of this is your fault. It's true and I need you to remember that."

"But if I just didn't show you, then none of this would've happened!"

"Bakugo, I'm so incredibly glad you trust me enough to show me this. It takes a lot of courage to do that and that's why I'm not surprised you did. You're courageous. You might not think that and I get that there's probably a cloud, an evil side in your mind blocking out all the positivity. But it's true. And not only are you courageous, but strong. I could give you a million reasons to prove that. This whole scenario being one. I'm gonna be blunt here, you need help. I will always, always be here and so will everyone else if you just wanna rant. But you also need professional help. It doesn't have to be right now, but maybe try talking to your mom about possibly getting a therapist?"

I scoff at that idea. Her? Caring? Sounds like something I could only hope to be a fairytale, but could only end up being a nightmare.

"Why did you scoff?"

"At the sheer thought of her caring enough to do that."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean-" I stop myself from talking. He knows way more than I was hoping anyone would ever know. He doesn't need to know about an abusive mother as well. That would be too much. "Never mind"

"What's wrong? Why wouldn't your mom care enough for that?"

"It doesn't matter"

"Please tell Me"

"I said it doesn't matter, Kaminari"

"It does though, doesn't it?"

"It doesn't"

"Then why are you getting so protective, so complicated?"

"I'm not."

'You really are"

'Right, I am going to leave"

I say that and I get up with my blazer in hand. I'm about to put it on when he snatches my hand and seemingly trying to stay away from my wrists.

"Am I still coming over so we can talk?"

"If you must"

And with that, I left. I put my blazer back on as I was walking away. I opened the the door and started walking down the steps, ducking under the bright yellow caution tape and finally leaving the stairwell.

I've decided I'm gonna go to class early just to get away from everyone and stope Icy hot from force feeding me. "That Bastard" I whispered as I walked to my table.

I look at the clock at the front of the classroom and there's still 10 minutes left of lunch. So I get my phone and headphones out and listen to some random song from my liked playlist.

About 3 songs pass and I hear the door open to the classroom so I look towards it and see the 'Bakusquad' walking in without Todoroki. They notice me and they all change their way to come over to me.

"Hi!" Kirishima shouted

"No" I say back to him


"Just no. I do not have the energy to deal with your bullshit right now."

"Kaminari, what did you do to him?" Sero asked

"I didn't do anything!"

"Yep, I totally believe you."

Todoroki's P.O.V

I look over to Bakugou's desk where all his friends have crowded around.

If I'm being completely honest, he's really worrying me. He's acting so much more different than usual.

We're speaking more often now and hanging out more often, and I start to feel something when I'm with him. Though I'm not sure what.

I'm not too keen on asking Midoriya or any of my other friends. Maybe if I ask Kirishima? He's probably the one I'm closest to except my friends and Bakugou. So I might do that. But I also need to ask him what's been going on. And hopefully get him alone so he can't get away.
(Damn, creepy Shoto)

I snap out of my daze when Present Mic kicks the door open and screams asking the rhetorical question he always does.

I see everyone go back to their seats to start the next lesson. I don't mind Present Mic, but like an hour and a half is pretty tedious for a lesson. It's always English I kinda struggle on as well. I might need to ask Momo or possibly someone else to help tutor me.

'Well, let's get ready for this long ass lesson'

•Word Count: 1011•

•Hey! I can only say how sorry I am that I didn't post a chapter sooner, I've been busy helping my mom with her work and then cooking lunches almost as soon as I get home. I have to get up at like 6 am then I'm not back till around 6:30 pm. It just kinda drains me. I know it's not really an excuse but I'm glad I'm doing it! Anyway, here is the chapter you've been waiting for! I hope you enjoyed!•

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