Episode 18

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Katsuki's P.O.V

"Um... no, sorry, I can't" I felt my heart rate pick up gradually as I try to think of an excuse.

"Why not, dear?" Recovery girl asked, she has such a tenderness and kindness in her voice that immediately made me feel guilty for trying to lie to her.

"It's freezing in here" yes, I know that was an absolute rubbish excuse but I couldn't exactly spend more time on it.

"I know it is, strange though isn't it? You'd think that since it's summer it would be a bit warmer. But anyway, I need to see your back to check if there's any external damage"

"Honestly, it's ok. My back doesn't hurt anymore anyway" I lied. It hurts like hell.

"It might not feel like it hurts but there could still be something wrong that you're not feeling."

I was starting to panic even more as I realised that there wasn't a way to get out of this. I felt Shoto's hand that was on my back start to draw circles and other random shapes on me. I think he can feel my heartbeat and possibly tell that I was anxious so he was doing that to calm me down. To be honest with you, it was kinda working.

"Is it ok if I just lift up my shirt?"

"Yes, that's fine"

I nod and take Shoto's hand off of me and lift my shirt up just enough so she could see my back. And that was the exact moment I realised I made a mistake.

Whenever I'm hurt at home I always get thrown into my back and since I can't reach it there could be so many bruises that I didn't know could be there.

...and there it was. Recovery Girl gasped and asked, "is this all from training?"

"W-what do you mean?" I swore silently at myself for stuttering and prayed and hoped that neither of them heard it.

"Katsuki, your back is littered in bruises" that's was probably the most amount of emotion I've heard from Shoto's voice in ages. Only thing that sucked about it was that it was full of worry. Fake worry, sure. But it still hurt

"Oh, yeah it must be from the previous training sessions then"

"Katsuki, we haven't had proper fighting training or anything that could get you this injured in a while"

Ok, I figured it would be bad but that have to be over exaggerating this a bit.

"Well bruises take a bit to form don't they? And then take a while to fade away"

"Still sweetie, this looks painful. Do you not feel it when you lie down?" Recovery Girl asked

"I mean, not really"

"Right, we'll put this down to training. But if it wasn't, you speak to me or to Todoroki, or to someone else you trust, ok?"

I gulped before I answered with a simple yes.

"Ok, I can't really do much about bruises but I can give you some cream that you'll have to apply every night. Let me go get it." After she said that, he got off her chair and walked to a a small room and closed the door. I thought it was a bit strange that she closed the door but I didn't really put too much attention into it.

I walked over to one of the beds and sat down to wait for Recovery girl. I'm guessing I must've zoned out though since the next thing I knew was Icyhot rubbing my back and speaking to me.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" I ask

"I was asking if you're alright and how you actually got those bruises and why you were refusing to take off your shirt?"

"Ok, one, yes. Two, Training. Three, my quirk makes it so I really can't take the cold."

"Enough with this bullshit Katsuki, tell me"

I was surprised that Icyhot could swear, so I made fun of him.

"And here I was thinking you were always that stoic, handsome kid who always kept his cool" right after I said those worlds I realised what I had said and I'm guessing that he did to as he just started at me and morphed his mouth into a smirk.

"Handsome, huh?"

"Don't read too much into it, Icyhot!"


He was silent for a while and I thought that it was strange so I looked towards him only to be met with two heterochromatic eyes gazing right at my villainous red ones. Our eyes were both locked in contact but I could still vaguely see Shoto's hand moving up towards me. I was confused but then he put his hand in my chin and lifted my head up towards him. By now I was most definitely a red tomato but I couldn't really think of that right now.

"Katsuki... can I kiss you?" He asked in such a low voice. It was like I was hypnotised by him, so I nodded indicating that he could.

He leaned in towards me but stopped right in front of my mouth and uttered the words 'You're perfect' before he closed the remaining gap. However, just before our lips came into contact the room that Recovery girl went into opened and I jumped back as quick as I could. I looked towards her and she had a suspicious look on her face so I smiled meekly back at her so she smiled back but still had that sense of confusion in her eyes.

I looked towards Icyhot who seemed to be putting in a pout and sticking out his bottom lip. I thought it was hilarious but cute at the same time. I had to try hard to stop myself from laughing and looked back at Recovery Girl. She passed my a tube of cream and told me to put it on every night before I go to bed. I nodded at her and said thanks and left. She also mentioned that I couldn't do anymore of the training and Todoroki could sit out with me. My stomach was still hurting but I didn't really care.

Once we turned the corner away from Recovery Girl's, Todoroki grabbed my hand and put his other one under my chin guiding my face to his, he asked once again if he could kiss me and this time I actually responded with words.


•Word Count: 1067•

•AHHHHHHHHH! HELLO! Am I going to make you wait for the kiss again? Yes. I was very tempted to actually let them kiss in Recovery girls but I thought I wouldn't and I didn't expect to make them outside of it. But anyway, I have to get ready for school now so bye-bye!•

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