Episode 15

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Katsuki's P.O.V

I wake up on the floor and at first I'm confused as hell but then I remember what happened last night, and suddenly all the pain comes rushing back to me. I wince a close my eyes tightly in ab attempt to get rid of some of the pain. It doesn't work.

After about 10 minutes, I move to stand up and a shock of pain shoots through me, but I just about make it to the stairs. I start to crawl up the stairs and eventually make my way to my room. I checked the time on the clock and it's 6:30 am. Usually the time I wake up. I think to myself. I put my hands on the bed and pull myself up, sitting in the edge. How I'm going to get to school today, I have no idea.

I gradually stand up and make my way to the cupboard and get my uniform out from it. I pull of my shirt and look down at my torso and see multiple bruises but the worst one is in the centre, where she punched me twice. It's going yellow and slightly green on the outside and it hurts like hell. I carefully slip the white button up over my shoulders and button it up. I tried to make sure it didn't hit the bruises too much.

After half an hour, I had finally managed to get dressed completely. I spike my hair up and get my shoes on so I'm ready to leave. I pick up my bag then carefully make my way down to the front door and open it quietly.

Once I'm outside, I let out a sigh of relief and start making my way to the school.

When I'm about 10 minutes away, I hear someone shouting my name and the voice sounded familiar, so I put on a mean face and turned around to try and find the source of the noise. When I turn, I see Kaminari full on sprinting at me.

"The hell do you want!?" I shout

He gets up to me, hunched over with his hands in his knees and breathing heavily.

"H-ey Bak-ubr-o!" He said between breathes.

"Yeah, yeah, hi to you too" I said scowling.

He tossed his head up and gave me a thumbs up now that he had his breath back.

"Wanna walk to school together?"

"Even if I say no you still will, won't you?"

"Yup!" He said, seeming quite pleased with himself for some reason


"Hell yeah!"

Then, we got to walking. And about 5 minutes later, he asked me a question.

"So, what happened after I left last night?"

I felt my heart rate rise but I had to keep breathing normally otherwise he would realise somethings up.


"Really? Your mom seemed pretty angry?"

"I'm positive, idiot"

"Alright, I won't force you to tell me" He paused. "Can I see your wrist?"

"I'm sick of that question! No! Take that as a final fucking answer!"

"Bakugo, what will make you trust me? I want to help you but I can't because you're so damn stubborn!"

"Then give up already!"

"You know I won't do that! Even if wanted to!"

"Then that's your problem" I say before picking up the pace and walking quicker.

Eventually I made it to U.A and I walk through the giant doors. I make my way to the classroom and when I get there, I stand outside trying to catch my breath. Once I had gotten it back, I put on a quick, sloppy scowl and walked into the classroom.

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