Please read-advice

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So, it's the author

And I've been thinking for a while about restarting or scrapping this book

To be completely honest I've lost motivation which I'm sure you can tell from the lack of updates.

I hate the way this book came out and started it a little over a year ago now and as I've grown, read more, writ more, I think my writing style would've changed a lot.

Looking through previous updates of this book is honestly so cringeworthy to me and it's obvious my writing style has changed.This book was started around when I first downloaded wattpad and though 'why not have a go?' So I did and all the books I had read kinda mashed together and created this.

I love the idea of writing still and I absolutely want to. But not in this book.

The reason I started this was because of a book (which don't get me wrong, was absolutely amazing and written wonderfully) that had around 50 chapters so I automatically thought that all books would be like that and that I had to as well which would be why this book is so slow moving and long winded.

I also don't particularly like the idea of an abusive storyline. Having never been through physical abuse I don't think I am in the right place to write about it even though I know younger me meant no harm and I guess was just trying to be seen with mental issues.

I am open to re-starting the book with around the same plot, but less focused around an abusive household and more focused on mental health due to problems at home that I can more relate to and wouldn't feel as guilty writing about.

That being said I am also open to completely different view points. I want to do a book from Bakugou perspective, but as for the ship and plot I'm pretty much open to anything.

Some more books I've read has given me more of an idea that a book is up to me. I control the keypad and people can like what it produces or not, that being said though I of course want to make people happy with writing even if it's a small fanfic that probably won't go anywhere.

I know this has helped me but I don't know about others.

It's also to do with the fact that my book is dying, don't get me wrong I am so unbelievably grateful for what I have achieved at a young age, it's just not going anywhere anymore and I understand why. With an undeveloped writing style and lack of updates I see why it would put someone off so I want to give myself another go.

Thank you so much for reading and I'll let you go now :) please let me know your thoughts in the comments. I truly appreciate it. Goodbye!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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