Episode 16

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Katsuki's P.O.V

I internally panic and think of a plan so I can change by myself. I can, a) Wait until everyone leaves, or b) I somehow get to the bathroom and change there. I am so screwed.

•~Few Minutes Later~•

So, I went with plan B. It didn't go as smoothly as expected. I ended up shouting at everyone anyway and just left the room. So now, I'm of course hyperventilating in the stall in a boys bathroom with the door locked.

I try to calm myself down and think of the stupidly funny moments between me and the 'Bakusquad', the things everyone does for each other. I like to think of them as my second family. And let me tell you, I highly prefer them to my actual one, which just consists of me and my abusive mother and possibly some other relatives I haven't seen since I was a kid. Of course there Inko and Deku as well, though I won't ever say I consider them my family. I think of Icyhot (why? I don't know, but it seemed to have worked).

It's been a few minutes and I've managed to calm myself down so now I'm getting undressed and into my hero costume.

After I finished I left the stall and I unlocked the door to the bathroom and left to go back to the changing room to wait to be told to go outside.

I get there and once I stepped in the room everyone was done and I spotted my friends with... Icyhot? I walk over to them and make my presence very clear.

"Oi! Idiots!"

"Oh, hey Bro!" Denki said back

"Why's Icyhot here?"

"Course you wanna know~" he said smugly while wiggling his eyebrows, he looked like an idiot.

"Stop that, you look like a moron"

"Ouch" he said back and put the back of his hand on his forehead and fell back into Todoroki's arms.

"What's going on?" He inquired

"Dunce face just fell into your arms and probably isn't going to move for the next few minutes or so"

"Oh. Can someone remove him?"

I stifled a laugh and Sero chuckled and took Denki off of him. He's sorta like the father of the group. Easily replaces mine.

Everyone looked at the door and I didn't understand why until I turned around and saw Mr Aizawa waiting for everyone's attention. Once he got it he said for everyone to leave and go to ground beta. Everyone in the group around me started to walk and I was left at the back with Icyhot.

"So, how come you went to the bathroom to change?" He asked me while walking

"Why, wanted to see something?" I said back as I looked at him from the side, smirked and gave him a wink.

"Ha ha, very good. But seriously" he said and I noticed that his face was a little red so I laughed at him.

"I don't see why I should have to tell you"

"Right, you get your own privacy, sorry"

"Don't fucking say sorry you moron"

"Sor-" he said before he cut himself of

I sighed and said, "idiot"

After a minute of silence he asked me,

"You going to that music room?"

"Possibly, why'd you ask?"

"You have an amazing voice, not to mention your playing is impeccable"

"Course it is! I'm the best at everything!" I lied

"Yep" he muttered under his breathe, thinking I wouldn't hear

"Glad you agree" I said and smirked as he turned slightly red

I want to hold his hand, but there is no way in hell I'm going to initiate it.

"You never answered my question by the way"

"What do you mean?" He seems very confused

"Yesterday, why did you keep holding my hand?"

"Why? Want me to do it again?" He asked as he got closer and brushed his hand against mine. The truth is yes, I do want him to. But will I say it? No way

He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers then kissed my hand. It was at this very moment I realised that we were still at school.

"What the hell are you doing!? We're at school, moron!"

"So if I didn't when I was walking home with you, you wouldn't have rejected it?" He said as he let go of my hand

"I- I never said that, idiot!"

"Right, of course"

The rest of the walk to the training facility was silent.

Once we got there a few minutes later, we both moved away from each other and went to our respected groups.

"Right, you're all going to be put in teams of two. You'll both fight with quirks and whoever wins records it on a sheet and fights another person that's done, if no one is then either fight again, strategise or talk to the other. That clear?"

In response everyone said yes.

"Good, you have 10 seconds to find a partner, go"

Everyone started rushing around and Todoroki came up to me and asked if I wanted to be partners. I said yes since I didn't have anyone else to team up with and we both made our way to an open space with enough room to fight.

Todoroki started and coated the area around them in a thin layer of ice so it would be harder for me to move but I'm guessing he has experience with ice skating.

I retaliated and made a small path using explosions towards him and set of a large one to push him back. He made a giant ice wall right in front of me to stop my attacks but it I also ended up hitting my face and it hurt like hell cause of the impact. While I tried to shake of the pain Todoroki came up behind me and froze my feet, so within a few seconds I used my explosions to break the thick ice that encased my feet.

He made another ice wall but this time it hit me right in the stomach which caused my bruise to feel like it was on fire. I doubled over in pain and then ended up slipping on the ice and fell on my back which just caused another bruise to hurt.

I was too distracted by the pain to realise that Todoroki was standing in front of me, waving his hand in front of his face trying to get my attention and it was only then that I noticed he was talking to me.

He held out his hand to me so I slapped it away from me and tried to get up myself. I finally paid attention to what Icyhot was saying which was just a mix of asking if I was ok, what happened, where it hurt and if I needed to go to recovery girl.

"No! I don't need any of those things"

"Right then, we'll go to Recovery Girl."

"Did you not just hear me!? I said that I was fine and I didn't need her!"

"Listen Bakugo, if there's one thing that I've learnt about you, it's that you usually meant the opposite of everything you say. So if you tell me you don't need Recovery girl then I'm going to take it as a 'you need to see her'.

I mean, he is right

•Word Count 1228•


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