Episode 12

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Katsuki's P.O.V

When we got back to the classroom, I opened the door then went in and walked over to my desk. While I was waiting for Midnight to come to class and start the lesson, someone came up from behind me and tapped my shoulder. I jumped a little bit hopefully not so anyone would notice. I turned my head only to see the one and only idiot... Kaminari.

"The hell you want?"

"Can I talk to you? In private?"


"I need to ask you something"

"Why can't you ask me here?"

"Just please?"

"Fine" after that, I rolled my eyes and got up from my seat, going towards the door, waiting for Pika to follow me.

Once we were outside the door, he spoke up.

"Are you ok?"

"What? Of course I am" I said with a snarl, trying to protect my secret

"Bakugo, are you ok, mentally, physically or both?"

"Where on Earth is this coming from?" I asked, a bit startled. Where was he going with this?

"You've been distant, not hanging out with anyone anymore, not coming to lunch, not going on video call, and yesterday, when you did your mom was there after drinking and it did not sound good there. So please, tell me, are you ok?"

I was a bit shocked, I didn't know that this idiot could be smart! Why does he have to be anyway? It's only him noticing these tiny little thing. Most people would just brush it if as me being me. But him Damn it! Why can't he kind his own business!?

"I'm fine! Now shut up and let's go back to class!"

When I was about to walk of, he grabbed my wrist and since it was so sudden, I grimaced and let out a sound of uncomfortableness. He let go immediately after that and we both stayed there for a second.

After a minute of silence, he grabbed my hand and started leading me to the bathroom. I complied, unwillingly, sure, but I knew what was about to happen.

When we got there, he lead me into the bathroom and locked the door behind him.

"Bakugo, what the hell was that?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know damn well what I mean!"

I stayed silent

"Show me Your wrists"


"You heard me!"


"It's not up for discussion Bakugo!"

"Whatever! You can't physically keep me here, so I'm leaving"

"Give me one good reason not no look at your wrists and I'll let you go"


"What I thought, now give me your hands"

Is this really it? I can't let him find out. My hero career would be over. No one would want someone who can't even protect themselves from themselves to help them! Besides, he'd tell people! Everyone will see me as weak and I'll be shunned! I don't want that!


I said, then I unlocked the door and left the bathroom. I could feel my breathing get heavier and that's definitely not good. I go over to a wall and sit down, closing my eyes. I try some deep breathing technique and let all my muscles relax. I hate this, I think to myself. After a few minutes, I feel myself calm down and I sit up, staring at the ceiling, exhausted.

After a minute or two, I stand up and make my way back to class. When I open the doors, I see that Midnight nor Kaminari are in the room. I go to sit down in my seat and then plop my head down on the desk. I'm exhausted, but I don't want to fall asleep, cause odds are I'll have a nightmare then wake up crying and sweating and I don't want everyone to find out. I decide to just sit up and get the rest of the day over with.

~•After School•~

As I'm walking out of the gates I see Icyhot standing there. The plan was to just walk past him, so that's what I did. I made it pretty much past him, but then he just had to go and grab my hand. He pulled me back and asked,

"Can I walk home with you?"


"Well, I'm not gonna say "Can I walk you home?" Cause I don't know where you live. It just confusing when people ask that. You're just walking with them, not walking them"
(A/N. Honestly, I don't get why people do this. It confuses me)

"Gotta admit, I stopped listening after the first sentence"

"It wasn't that important, anyway, can I walk home with you?"

I thought about it for a second, I would like to spend more time with him, but what if mom sees him? The furthest he would be lower to go is a few doors down so she wouldn't see.

"Yeah, whatever, but I'm not waiting for you!"


And so, we started walking.

"Bakugo, I'm telling you! Midoriya is All mights secret love child!"

To that, I facepalmed once again. He has been talking about this for the past five minutes.

"No, no he's not"

"One good reason why he isn't?"

"I grew up with him! Never had I seen All might at his house or at all for that matter!"

"...you win this round"


After a few more minutes, I knew that icyhot was moving closer and closer to me. I didn't really pay attention to how close though, until his hand brushed against mine. I felt my face heat up and after a second or two, he grabbed my hand firmly. I looked at him but he still looked ahead. So, I decided to speak up.

"Hey, Todoroki?"

"Hm?" He muttered, turning his head to look at me.

"How come... you keep holding my hand?"

He didn't say anything, just smiled and looked at me, then looked away again. I decided to comply and look forwards, giving his hand a squeeze, and seeing him smile out of the corner of my eye.

After a few more minutes, we reached my 'home'

Let's see what happens

•Word Count: 1016•

•Hey guys! If you have any constructive criticism then please let me know! Also, sorry that this is quite late, it's like 10 o'clock. Anyway, have a good day!•

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