Episode 8

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This is what I'm basing the park on

Kirishima's P.O.V

The group walks into the classroom and my eyes start scanning the room looking for a certain ash haired boy. When I don't  see him, my heart sank. I'm so damn worried about him. I know that he doesn't like people doing that because he thinks that we're 'looking down on him', but we're not. He's one of the strongest people in the class, no one could change that.

Katsuki's P.O.V

I run out of the school doors and start running down the pavement. I don't wanna go home because my mom will question why I'm back early, so I head to a near by park. I'm pretty sure it'll be empty seeing as it's still school hours.

When I get there, it is in fact empty. I walk over to one of the benches that are dotted around all the equipment. There were a few birds there, but when I got there they all flew away. I put my elbows on the bench and rest my head in my hands and just stared at wide area of grass beyond the fence. I saw the rugby goals and the football ones, I saw the mini forest toward the back of the park, I saw the gate that you could leave from and easily go to home bargains or something.

The fact that nobody was here just made everything more peaceful, like I could finally let my guard down and be calm and myself.

After a few minutes of just staring, I got my phone and earphones out and went onto the 'music' app and played 'burning pile' by mother mother. I also put a few other songs to play next then laid my head in my arms as I felt the cool breeze ruffling my hair.

After the last song played, I looked up to see what time it was. I picked my phone up to see it was 3:40 pm. They got out of school 10 minutes ago. Although, they probably went back to their dorms. I should start heading home now anyway, I don't want to get to seriously hurt.

I stand up and make my way to the mini car park and leave through the gates, while a few teenagers were faffing about. It would be their fault if they get run over by an unsuspecting car.

I leave the park and start walking home, still surprisingly calm. It wasn't often I felt like this, and if I did it wouldn't last longer than half an hour.

I saw the odd chav walking down the road, skin as orange as a... well... orange. They would usually be paired up with their roadman boyfriend or they were alone and only had a little Yorkshire terrier with some pink bow in its fur.

Anyway, a few minutes past and I realise that I'm a few minutes away from home. The panic finally starts setting in as I get even closer to the house.

I get to the front of the drive and see that my moms car isn't there. I let out a breath of relief and run inside the house. I walk around making sure she isn't here. I walk to the countertops in the kitchen and see a post-it note with my moms hand writing on it, and it read,

"I've gone out, won't be back till late. Clean the entire house or you're in for it"

Well, that's good news I guess... I'll be safe, but if shes gone out for a drink then she'll most likely be as drunk as a skunk when she gets back, which is not good news. Oh, well. Guess I better get to cleaning up.

A few hours have past and it's now half six. I walk up the stairs to head to my room. I enter the room and sit down on my bed and get my phone out. I see the Lock Screen and my phone had been blown up from messages on the group chat 'Bakusquad'. The ones from past five minutes were them just spamming my name, trying to get my attention. I lightly smile to myself then open the chat... there were over 4300 unread messages from the past hour.

Bold- text
Normal- narrated

Boom 💥:
What the actual hell do you want!?

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