Episode 5

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Katsuki's P.O.V

I got up from the floor a few minutes later and walked over to the sinks and mirrors and stared back at myself, my own red eyes glaring into my soul. I had very slight bags under my eyes, not noticeable at first glance. But what was noticeable was the red accent around my eyes and how red they actually were. I splashed my face with cold water and grabbed a few pieces of toilet roll and dabbed my eyes gently.

Another ,what I'm guessing, ten minutes later, my eyes weren't so red that you could immediately tell, but if you were staring right into my eyes you might be able to tell, but it's not like anyone would get so close and just start starting into my eyes all of a sudden.

I heard the bell go a while ago, but it's not like I could leave the bathroom yet otherwise it would be painfully clear that I was just balling my eyes out. I left the room and shoved my hands into my pockets and put my usual scowl on.

I entered the classroom and all eyes were on me. I felt my breathing get heavier and many bad thoughts instantly ran up into my head. I couldn't think of what to do so I just shouted
"The hell you looking at you extra's!?"
A few of the students frantically shouted 'nothing!'
I walked over to my desk and Aizawa asked me why I was late.
"None of your business"
"Bakugo" Aizawa said that in a warning tone.
"It doesn't matter so just leave it"
"I'll have to inform your parents if you don't tell me"
My heart sank. I had managed to get away with a relatively weak beating yesterday, but this would be the second day in a row. She might not even care if she draws blood this time.
"I lost track of time" I answer quietly.
Aizawa looked a bit sick of everything and just nodded, then proceeded with whatever he was talking about.

I let my mind drift, which, granted, probably wasn't the best idea. I started thinking about how I'm so horrible to others and I would be more fitting for the position a as no.1 villain. I left myself with these thoughts while sometimes fighting with that voice inside my head that I wish I could just shut it up and it would go away.

After what felt like a few minutes, I was being shaken. I snapped out of it and saw icy-hot with a somewhat worried look in his face. He looked at me a for a bit before moving a bit closer to my face, which resulted in me activating my quirk and telling him to leave me alone. But then he asked me something I wasn't expecting.

"Have you been crying?"

As blunt as ever.

"Where the hell did you get that from, you idiot!"

"Well you did run away from me and Kaminari this morning in the way to the bathroom and now your eyes look a little red, as if you were crying"

"Well I wasn't!"


It went silent before I realised that the classroom was empty and it was just the two of us there.

"When did class end?" I asked somewhat calmly.

"Few minutes ago. I thought you were asleep so I came to wake you up but I'm guessing you weren't"

"No, I wasn't"

"If you don't mind me asking, you must have been thinking about something, what was it?"

"Why on earth would that be any of your business!"

"It's not. Just wondering"

"So, would you like to walk to lunch with me?" Icy hot asked.

I don't know why, but I felt a little heat rush up to my face.

"No, I'm just gonna go back to that music room"
I said without thinking. We hadn't said anything about that so it was most likely going to be a little awkward after I said it.

"May I come with?"

That, I was not expecting.


Icy hot just shrugs his shoulders.
"It was quite... fun, last time"

My face gets a little hotter but I still don't know why.

"Whatever..." I said in reply.

"Is that a yes?"

"Do whatever you want icy hot! I'm not in charge of you!"

"Thank you bakugo"

He said that with the slightest smile and I couldn't help but smile back, luckily I stopped before he noticed.

I got up from my seat and walked out the room, with icy hot behind me, he eventually caught up and not we're walking side by side. My eyes keep drifting down towards Todo-icy hots, hands. I keep wondering what it would be like to intertwine my fingers with his and hold him till we both fall asleep. Before I knew it, we were at the room and I was opening the door, for some reason I decided to hold it open for icy hot as well. He looked quite confused , well as much as he could, but said thank you and I, of course, replied with 'Whatever'. We both sat down and stayed silent before icy hot posed a question.

"Can you play again?"

"What?" I replied, quite confused. Which I'm pretty sure was clear on my face as he laughed very quietly.

"Can you play the guitar again?"

"Why would I?"

"Because, You were really good the last time. So I figured if I asked, you might say yes?"

"No, besides, last time wasn't meant to happen. You just walked past at the wrong time,"

"Well, speaking of that, how come you were crying?

"I already told you! I wasn't crying!"

"No need to lie, Bakugo"

"That's the thing though, I'm not lying"

"Ok, but what about today?"

"Neither was I crying today"

He moved closer and grabbed my chin with his hand. I'm pretty sure I'm now as red as his fire side. He started into my eyes and said,
"Your eyes are still a little red, and I don't mean their natural colour"

I didn't answer, just stared back at him. I finally got my self together and pushed him away and grabbed one of the guitars close to us and started playing a riff.

•Word count: 1046•

•Hope you liked this chapter! I also added some more Todobaku in this chapter. Also, sorry if this is bad, I only started writing this today and I wanted to keep posting on Saturdays so I didn't have long to finish it. Well, bye! And safe!•

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