Episode 2

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Katsuki's P.O.V

After another 2 hours, the bell that signaled the beginning of lunch rung. I flinched at the loud noise, not expecting it at first. I just hope no one saw that.

The class started to leave and head to the cafeteria for lunch. Kirishima stopped by the door and asked if I was coming. I don't usually eat lunch. I usually just go to an abandoned music room and practice playing some instruments. I suddenly realized that I still had to answer.
"No! I'm not gonna hang out and eat with a bunch of crack heads. I already have to deal with you in class, I'm not letting you take up my lunch too."
Kirishima just put on a pout and left.

Soon after, I left as well. I walked down the hallways until I reached the abandoned room. I opened the door and walked in. I sat down on one chairs for one of the pianos. I look around the room at the many different instruments.
'I'm surprised that they've just left all these here, seems like they've forgotten about them too.' I think to myself. I sit there for a few minutes just thinking to myself. I eventually snap about of it and pick up a guitar and play a few notes. I start playing a bit more, tuning the guitar as I play. I finally tune it correctly and play the opening to a song.

"Loving and fighting,
Accusing,  denying, I can't imagine a world with you gone,
The joy and the chaos, the demons we're made of, I'd be so lost if you left alone"

"You locked yourself in the bathroom,
lying on the floor when I break through,
I pull you in to feel your heartbeat,
Can you hear me screaming please don't leave me!?"

"Hold on I still want you..."

"Come back I still want you..."

At some point I had started crying, I didn't realize that I had. But not once did I stop playing, even when I heard the door open.

Todoroki's P.O.V

I was walking down the hallway to go to the bathroom, but I came to halt as I heard someone playing a familiar tune. It was coming from a room that I had never really payed attention to. I walked to the door and looked through the long, rectangular window, to see none other than a spiky blonde holding a guitar, and playing a riff. I heard him start to sing and I was shocked at how well he could sing. I melted into the sound forgetting about everything.

Mid-way through the chorus, he stopped singing, and I heard a sob. He didn't stop playing though. And before I knew it, I was grabbing the handle and walking in. I decided to carry the song on from when he stopped.

"Let me take your hand, I'll make it right
I swear to love you all my life,
Hold on I still want you..."

Katsuki's P.O.V

I was surprised when I looked up and heard the icy hot idiot singing. He was surprisingly good. I started singing along again when the guitar played the start of the second verse. Not breaking eye contact with him.

"A long endless highway, you're silent beside me,
I'm driving a nightmare I can't escape from,
Helplessly praying, the light isn't fading,
Hiding the shock and the chill in my bones"

Todoroki's P.O.V

"They took you away on a table,
I pace back and forth as you lay still,
They pull you in to feel your heartbeat,
Can you hear me screaming please don't leave me!"

Katsuki's P.O.V

"Hold on, I still want you,
Come back I still need you,
Let me take your hand I'll make it right,
I swear to love  you all my life,
Hold on I still need you"

Todoroki's P.O.V

"I don't wanna let go,
I know I'm not that strong,
And I just wanna hear you, saying baby let's go home,
Let's go home,
Yeah I just wanna take you home"

Katsuki & Todoroki's P.O.V

"Hold on I still want you..."

Katsuki's P.O.V

I finish playing the end of the song, still looking into half and half's  eyes. I set the guitar down and stand up.
"What are you doing here half 'n half?"
"That's mean" the bi-coloured boy replied
"Anyways, you're great at guitar and singing"
A small smile hit my face before I could stop it, hopefully icy hot didn't see it.

Todoroki's P.O.V

I saw a faint smile creep onto Bakugou's face. But then it immediately disappeared. Doesn't mean I didn't see it though.
"Yeah well, what did you expect?
I just shrug my shoulders
"By the way, how come you were crying?"
I saw his eyes look at me, with a hint of shock in them.
"What the hell are you on about, icy hot? I don't cry"
"It's okay Bakugou, I won't tell anyone"
"There's nothing to say! I wasn't crying!"
"Then how come your eyes are red?"
"I-I just kept my eyes open for too long!"
"I know you're lying"
"N-no I'm not!"
"Bakugou, you're stuttering"
"Damn you icy hot"
"Well, if you ever wanna talk, just let me know"
"What the hell!? NO WAY!"
"I'll leave it with you"
I then walked out of the room and smiled. Then the bell went saying it was the end of lunch.

Damn it,
I didn't go to the bathroom.

Katsuki's P.O.V

'I can't believe I let him catch me crying! This isn't good, I'll have to do something about it later,'  I think to myself. And I start walking back to class

Word count:944

•Hey guys! The name of the song is 'Hold on' by Chord Overstreet. I hope you liked this part!

Future author here, genuinely think this chapter is the reason the reads went down on the next chapter lmao. This one sucked, it makes me so embarrassed whenever I see a comment on it 😭 so i want to apologize if you have read this chapter.

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