Episode 22

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My photo!

Katsuki's P.O.V

"I'm not gonna open my mouth for you to stuff food into!"

"Then eat it yourself"

"Why can't anyone get that I'm not hungry enough to have lunch?"

"Even if you're not feeling hungry your body still needs fuel. You need to eat to get that fuel." He says as he grabs my chin again.

"No! My body is doing just fine and is still digesting the food I had at breakfast"



"Open Your mouth"


"Just do it. Or I'll be forced to do something else."

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

And just like that, he kissed me. I heard squealing (probably from Mina) from behind me. My eyes are wide open and after a few seconds he takes his lips off of mine.

My jaw drops. What the hell just happened? I see the flash of a camera (again, probably from Mina) and it was either taking a video or a picture.

While my mouth is still open he picks up the chopsticks and puts some food into my mouth.

"Are you alright?" He asks me

What the hell does he think!? He just kissed me in the cafeteria, in front of everyone, put food into my mouth and now he's asking if I'm okay!?

I chew the food and swallow it before I respond, even if it made me feel a little sick.

"I- what the hell was that!?" I shout at him but then turn my head to see Mina still recording, "and I expect that video to be gone in the next 5 seconds, Alien"

"You forced me to take more extreme measures. I did warn you"

"Still! What the hell!?"

"Baku, I thought you said nothing romantic was happening between you two? Cause this sure doesn't look like nothing" Mina asked while looking at her phone, probably at the video.

"There isn't anything!"

"Mhm, suuure" she said back while doing something on her phone. And then I heard a ping come from my phone.

I got it out and looked at it and it was a video of what just happened that Mina sent to the group chat.

"Mina! I told you to delete that! When the hell did you even start recording?"

"When Todoroki grabbed our chin the first time. Gotta say, that whole ordeal was so adorable!"

I shake my head and get up ready to leave. I didn't want to be there anymore. I could still see many people staring at us, at me. I feel like I'm about to pass out.

"Where are you going? You have to finish your meal"

I ignore him and start walking away to the doors and head to the stairs.

I start making my way up the many flights of stairs. After I get to a certain point I reach a sign and some caution tape telling me I cant go any further. I ignore it and duck under the tape. I continue up the steps until I reach the double doors that only aperste me and the roof.

I'm not going to jump. I wasn't even thinking of doing it. I just want some fresh air and out e it's peaceful so it's probably the best place to go. Not to mention I'll be the only one there.

I finally open the big double doors and I immediately get met with a strong gust of wind. I feel my hair going crazy around me and the wind going under my blazer making it blow up.

I go to one of the ventilator things on the roof and sit next to it. Despite it being windy, it's actually quite warm so I take the opportunity to take of my blazer which I'm usually never allowed to do because of the short sleeves and the cuts on my wrist. I fold it up and put it next to me.

And I swear whoever's up there has a grudge against me or just really, really despises me. Cause straight after I take off my blazer the fucking door to the roof opens. Wonderful, isn't it?

I look over to the door that's just been swung open and in a desperate attempt to cover my wrists, I throw my blazer on my lap and put my arms face down on it. Though with the force that I used my wrists start stinging and it made me slightly wince.

"Bakubro?" I finally look at who came outside and it was the one and only Denki Kaminari. At least its not Deku.

"Soo.. Got a guy? Lucky. I still can't get anyone!'" He says exasperated while walking over and flopping next to me on the floor.

"Like seriously! I've asked Jirou and Shinso so many times! I might have to go to Tetsutetsu. Or Monoma!"

"Not even your standards are so low as to ask out Monom. Though his standards might've low enough to date you" I say back to him.

"Well, I'm at least glad you think more of me than him'

"You're both idiots. It's just you don't rely on everyone else for your entire hero career. Instead he relies on you. Which, granted, is a rare sight."


It's silent for a few awkward moments after that. Before Kaminari spoke.

"So, you don't have your blazer on. I don't think I've ever seen that before."

"Well you'd be correct for once."

"Umm... if you don't mind me asking, is it alright if I see your... c- wrist?"


"I want to see how bad they are to see how to actually treats them. I'm not gonna let you leave them bare."

"...I-. I don't know"

"Don't know what?"

"If I want you to see them."

"Listen, I would never make fun of anything like this. I might be stupid but I can tell the difference between when to make a joke and when not to."

"I know. And you've proved it so many times."

"So? Do you mind showing me?"


•Word Count: 1000•

•Heyo! So, I know that this is so incredibly late and for that I do genuinely apologise. It's been absolutely roasting these few days in the UK and it's supposed to reach like 30°C. Even in the weather app it's giving a warning and you can definitely feel the heat. But luckily it's the 6 weeks off starting Thursday for us. So we have tomorrow at school then we're done! How about you? Have a great day!•

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