Chapter 30

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Thayne walked with Jonathan and I to the show the next day. Thayne comes up to my dressing room with me, Jonathan looking for Lin to talk to him about something.

"What's up?" I ask as we walk down the hall.

"What do you mean?"

"This isn't where your dressing room is." I say, opening the door and pausing in the doorway. "Woah..." I trail off, seeing a bunch of notes and cards and food in my space, especially cookies.

"That's why, I wanted to see your reaction." Thayne says softly.

"Did you put it together?" I ask, turning to face him. He nods, almost proudly. I hug him, at a loss for words. After a minute I look back at the table.

"Go look!" He urges, pushing me slightly over to it. I walk over and open one of the cards.

Hey Cameron I'm so sorry about your dad, if you ever need to talk let me know!
              - Pippa

The rest of the cards say similar things. I feel a small tear fall as I read Thaynes letter.

I'm sure you've heard this a lot, and you'll hear it a lot more. Words can't describe what you're going through, and I can't even imagine the pain. I hope you remember all of the good times you had with him and none of the bad. Nothing will ever take your memories of him away. Little by little you'll let go of the grief, but never of the love, that will stay with you forever. This will make you so much stronger than you already are, even if you don't realize it. Remember, grief has no rule book, no time frame, no judgement. Do what feels right for you, and don't rush. I hope you know that I am always here, literally any time.
               - Lots of love, Thayne

I turn and smile, the tears running faster down my face. I hug him tightly as Jazzy slips in behind us.

"Thank you." I whisper in his ear.

"Anytime, okay? I mean it." I nod slightly, pulling back and drying my eyes.

"I gotta go get ready." He says after the half hour call. I nod, smiling slightly.

"Thanks again." He just smiles and walks out as Jazzy starts talking.

"Are you sure you're ready? I can go on as Maria and Peggy if you want."

"Yeah, I'm sure. But thank you." She nods and we get ready together.

"Daddy said-" I falter slightly on the words during Schuyler Sisters and I see Pippa and Renée look over instantly, the rest of the ensemble doesn't look as sharply but they still look worried.

They continue and I luckily get through the rest of the song without much trouble. I see Thayne glance at me again, just as worriedly as before as he starts Farmer Refuted. I just shake my head slightly and Pippa pulls me to the side.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah I don't know what happened, probably just a brain fart or something." I lie through my teeth.

"Okay." She says a little suspiciously before walking away.

During intermission as I'm changing I hear a knock at the door.

"One second!"

"It's just me." I hear Thayne reply.

"Oh come in." I say, struggling with the dress. I hear the door open and close before he giggles slightly, my back was to the door.

"Do you need help?" He asks, walking forward and zipping it.

"Yeah." I say, letting my hands fall before I turn and face him.

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