Chapter 16

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Cameron's POV:

I woke up in an unfamiliar room, a nice looking woman standing next to the bed typing on a laptop. She looks up as I move a little bit and smiles.

"Oh good, you're up. Are you in any pain?" I shake my head slightly.

"Okay good, what's your name, and birthday?"

"Do you want my full name?" I check, closing my eyes.

"Just your first and last name. Oh keep your eyes open sweetie." I lazily open my eyes and answer.

"Cameron Kapule, December 18th 1988." I feel my neck and in not being able to find my necklace freak out a little. "Um where's my necklace? She smiles before writing something down.

"Okay perfect, do you want me to send in your family? They've been very worried, they also have your necklace as we had to take it off for surgery." I slowly nod.

"What um happened exactly?" 

"Well you came in just in time, your appendix almost burst. Actually I think it burst right after you came in." I nod slowly again and she leaves to go get my family.

After a few minutes she comes back in with my parents, sister, and Thayne. Thayne grabs my hand as my dad talks with the nurse.

"Okay Cameron, we're going to bring you up to the ICU, just for the night to be on the safe side." I nod sleepily, Thayne rubbing circles onto my hand with his thumb.

The nurses pushes the bed through the small hospital and into a room with lots and lots of beeping machines.

"What time is it?" I ask as they plug things into the machines.

"About 9 AM, you got here at about 3, they started surgery at 3:15 I think and you woke up about half an hour ago." She says. I nod as she leaves.

"How are you feeling?" My mom asks, setting a bag down on the floor next to the bed.

"Mmmm tired." I say. She nods in understanding and sits in a chair next to the bed. Thayne somehow manages to pull up a chair while not letting go of my hand. I smile slightly at him and he smiles back.

"We brought some movies, do you want to watch some?" My dad asks.

"What did you bring?" I ask, shifting a little on the bed to get more comfortable.

"Oh here, honey, we brought your pillow." My mom says, handing me my pillow. I gratefully take it and Thayne helps me switch it, he also cips my necklace back on.

"We have all of your favorite 80's movies, we have Iron-Man, Harry Potter..." He trails off and I think about it.

"Do you have the Princess Bride?" He nods and puts it in the dvd player.

My sister sits on the couch with my dad and we all enjoy the movie. Well they do, I keep drifting in and out of sleep. A nurse comes in and checks my vitals.

"When can she eat?" My moms asks and the nurse pauses, thinking for a second before replying.

"She'll be on a liquid diet for a few days, but whenever she's hungry." My mom nods and turns to face me as the nurse leaves.

"Do you want some food?" I shake my head lightly as my sister speaks up.

"Yeah! I'm starving." My mom shakes her head.

"I wasn't talking to you, but I guess if your father can take you, you can go down to the cafeteria and have something there." She nods and looks to my dad who's on his laptop writing something for work.

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