Chapter 19

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"Okay everyone! Great job today for the most part. Make sure you're counting the beats." Andy looks at me and I smile sheepishly.

"No talking on or off stage. Cameron, Jazzy, let's have the two of you sitting on the stairs during the first part of My Shot. Oak, use your Handkerchief more during the Cabinet Battles please. Chris, hold that last time, a beat longer. Loved the emotion in It's Quiet Uptown, Cameron. Ariana, move a bit slower during The World Was Wide Enough. We are taking tomorrow off, relax, stretch. I'll send out the rest of the notes tomorrow, along with more information about rehearsals. I can tell that only three of you are listening." We all laugh and I take my hair out. I feel a hand on my shoulder as I stand up and jump.

"Oh, sorry. Um about tomorrow." I hear Thayne say as I turn.

"Let's meet at 8:30? The IHOP on 3rd?" I nod and he turns to leave as Daveed and Oak walk up.

"Hey Cameron, ready?" Oak asks. Smiling, I nod and we walk out.

"Okay so Cameron said either Cheap Thrills or Babadook. I said no to Babadook but if you really want to I suppose we could." Oak says letting us into his apartment.

"Let's do Babadook first then Cheap Thrills cause I heard it was funny." Daveed says, putting his bag on the table. I shrug.

"I don't really care but either way I'll probably have my eyes closed the entire time." They laugh and Oak tells us we can shower if we want. I gladly accept, thankful that I started carrying a change of clothes with me since I spent the night at Ariana's a couple of days ago.

After changing and dutch braiding my hair I walk back out and sit on the couch. Daveed comes in from the front door and I give him a questioning look.

"Oh I live like three floors down." I nod as Oak comes back out from his room. Daveed puts the popcorn in the microwave as Oak gets Babdook setup. He sits down next to me as we wait for Daveed.

"How's your wrist?"

"It still hurts a bit, but it's better then it was a while ago." He nods.

"That's good, if you need some ice or advil or anything, help yourself."

"Thank you, I think I'll be okay with the wrap though." He smiles as Daveed comes in with three bowls of popcorn.

"Here you go," He says, handing a bowl to me, and one to Oak.

"There's more, but I figured this would be good for now." Oak nods and presses play as Daveed sits next to me.

I stand and stretch after basically watching through my eyes the entire time.

"That was awful. Let's get pizza." I say. They stare at me.

"I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep." Daveed whispers.

"Don't say that cause then you'll get possessed by it." I whisper back. His eyes widened.

"Oh shit." I hear Oak whisper.

"How are you not terrified?" Daveed asks.

"Honestly I have no idea. Anyway, pizza? I'll pay." They just nod and we order two large pizzas. We play uno for a while until we hear the buzzer saying the pizza guy is here.

"I'll get it, you scaredy cats. But if I die I'm going to haunt you." They nod as I grab my wallet and walk to get the pizza. I walk back in and don't see them.

"Oak? Daveed? Hello?" There's no answer. I set the food on the table and set my wallet next to it.

"Guys? Where are you?" All of the sudden I feel two sets of hands on my shoulders.

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