Chapter 24

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I woke up the next morning to Thaynes arm around my waist and Atlas asleep next to me with his head on my stomach. I grab my phone and see that it's 11.

"Shit, Thayne get up." I say, gently waking Atlas up.

"Hmmm? What's up?" He asks in his morning voice.

"It's just after eleven. We have to be at the Public in like an hour and a half."

"Oh okay." He says before going back to sleep.

"Thayne!" I get up off the bed, taking the blankets with me.

"I hate you." He says yawning and sitting up.

"Oh you know you love me." I say before walking out to feed Atlas.

"Good morning. Someone slept late." Jonathan says from the couch where he's drinking tea and scrolling on his laptop.

"Yeah it was an eventful night, did you make any extra?" I say, sitting down on a chair.

"No, I walked and fed your dog by the way."

"Thank you!"

"Good morning." Thayne says, walking out in his old clothes.

"Good morning." Jonathan says in a suggestive voice.

"Jonathan no-"

"Is that what you meant by an eventful night, Cameron?" He interrupts me.

"What?" Thayne asks, standing next to me.

"Just ignore him, are you going to head home?"

"Yeah I need to change and shower. See you guys at the theater!" We wave as he pulls his shoes on and leaves after giving me a tight hug.

"Eventful huh?" Jonathan asks, walking over to the kitchen.

"Don't. Just, don't. " He just wiggles his eyebrows. 

"I'll make lunch if you want to go shower." He offers, setting his mug in the sink.

"Is that your way of telling me I smell?"

"No, but if I just screwed someone I would want to shower."

"We didn't- whatever. Nothing happened, okay?" I say as I get up to walk to my bathroom.

"Mhm I'm just glad I had my white noise machine." I smile slightly, remembering that was one of the things I had named last night and he had never noticed it before.

"Aha so something did happen? Why are you smiling like that?" Jonathan says triumphantly.

"No!" My smile falls almost instantly. "Okay fine, I had a panic attack and called him. He calmed me down and I didn't want to be alone so he stayed. Nothing happened, okay?" His face falls slightly.

"Oh Cameron, I-I'm so sorry. I had no idea." I sigh, rubbing my forehead slightly.

"It's okay, you didn't know."

"If it happens again I'm right across the hall, okay?" I nod and he hugs me.

"Now go shower, you do actually smell." He says laughing and turning back to the kitchen. After my shower I braid my hair and change, before eating. The two of us walk to the theater together. We hang out with Lin in their dressing room for a while.

"A lot of people like you two on Twitter." Lin randomly says. I glanced up at Jonathan as I was laying my head in his lap.

"What are you talking about?" I ask. Lin doesn't answer, just shows us his phone where he had Tweeted a picture of the two of us sitting on the couch.

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